What should we do?

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Chocolat and Pierre have just entered the Human World once again...

They land on the roof of their previous school...

Chocolat chuckles a bit!

"What's wrong Chocolat?"

Pierre asked a bit curious...

"It's just funny!"

Chocolat said laughingly!

"What is funny?"

Pierre asked a bit (well really) confused!

"You know, this place looks the same.... It might not have been all that many years in the magical world but here it's been 30 years..."


".....By now my classmates will have grown up... have their own families.... and living happy.... I wonder....."

Chocolat starting sobbing and tears fell down her face...


Pierre hugged her and tried to comfort her...

"I am fine! (She smiled) I just wonder do they still remember the tomboy that disappeared from their lives 30 years ago.....?"

Chocolat was uncertain and talked like a distant ghost that died long ago....

Well.... At least until Pierre broke the nostalgic and uncertain mood she was in by a.....

"I bet they do! I can't really imagine anyone forgetting a troublemaker like you!"

.... and chuckled. Chocolat probably got a bit angry and...

"That's rude, Pierre!!"

... She said furious....

"But it's the truth! Haha!"

Pierre laughed more...

"Well I bet they remembered you too!! (No she isn't gonna get teased without teasing back) Who would forget such an annoying middle-schooler!!?"

She said with an obvious smirk on her face. Pierre didn't get angry (He was probably used to her teasings) he just laughed even more!

"Geez! Stop laughing, Pierre!!"

She said kinda angry. Pierre looked at her and answered while still laughing (That person is gonna die laughing! xD)

"B-but I can't help it!! Haha!! You are funny!!"

Chocolat was ready to burst from wrath!!


She said frowning....

Don't get so angry Chocolat! I love funny people!"

Pierre said caringly smiling.


Chocolat blushed a bit and smiled.

"Thank you Pierre!"

She said happily! Pierre gave her a relieved smile...

He might didn't show it but he was really worried how she would react....

"So? What do you plan to do now, Chocolat?"

Pierre said carefreely...

"......I want to go to school.... once more!"

Pierre looked at her intensively...

"....You know Pierre.... Our bodies are still a bit immature so we can still pretend we are High Schoolers, right?"

Pierre looked over at her surprised.

"You.... you are right.... but.... are you sure?"

Chocolat looked at him and raised an eyebrow....

"What do you mean?"

"You might end up losing more classmates....."

Chocolat looked at him and smiled.

"It's fine! I want to go to school again!"

"Well if you insist.... Let's go become High-Schoolers!!"

Pierre said teasingly...

'Chocolat sure has grown' he thought....

And like that a new school life will start for them....

######EXTRA STARTS#######
"It's really convenient that witches don't age like humans!" (Chocolat)

"You are right... But you still look like a midget like that!" (Pierre)

"PIERRE!!!" (Chocolat a bit angry...^^")

And Pierre starts laughing likes hell (again! XD)

#######EXTRA ENDS########


That's all for now! I am gonna update soon! (Let's hope.... )

And this is like my only first OTP that is not Yaoi.... ^^""

And that's mainly why I am being called "Yaoi-iaro" by my friends! xD
(This can be translated as Yaoi-bastard)

But this one is a straight pairing!! And it is canon too!! (Gotta admit that I ship PierrexWoo/Houx but only a bit... ^^''

I am stupid.... Anyway Bye Bye for now!! :D

Pierre x Chocolat [Grown Up]Where stories live. Discover now