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"What do you mean I have a date, Chocolat?"

"I heard from that girl..... she told me you were going on a date with her...."

"But I only told her we could study together because she needed help....."


"Or did that bother you?"

"No.... that would be okay but she was saying it was a date so I got angry...."

"Ah.... Jumping to conclusions again, are we?"

"What can I do!? I was worried you would leave me!!"

"Chocolat.... didn't I propose to you this morning?"


"And you accepted right?"


"Then what reason would I have to go out with another girl?"

"But.... I.....I.... was really worried you know! And then that girl goes and tells me I have no chance with you.... that was why I tried to kick her...."

"Was that the reason then? But you have to stay calm. Violence is not the right way....."

"I....I know that much but.... I was really angry at the time!"

"I know. And I am a little happy you feel like that for me. But kicking others is no good, okay?"

"I....I understand...."



"What is it?"

"You should go meet with that girl."


"Standing someone up is not good either."

"Suddenly Chocolat is giving me advice for good manners?"

Pierre chucked.

"What if I do!? It's my choice right!? Also I am your wife so I must be sure you have good manners, right!?"

"Okay okay I got it."

Pierre patted her head while laughing.

Maybe Pierre's laughing was annoying Chocolat most of the time but at the same time she was happy Pierre was able to laugh like that....

Honestly, brightly.....

"Call her and tell her you are going over now!"

Chocolat demanded.

"Alright alright. But actually she was supposed to come over...."

"Eh? Is that so!? Here!? Then I will go hide at my room!"

"You are my wife so why would you hide?"


"It's a good chance to apologise too!"

"I....I got it......"

Pierre mailed the girl she could come.

While they were waiting Pierre went to make food while Chocolat was cleaning the place.

When the bell rang, Pierre went over and opened the door.


"Thanks for calling me over. I will be in your care!"

"Sure. Well come on in."

That was when the girl stopped in her tracks.

She saw Chocolat standing in the hall.

Chocolat bowed apologetically.

"I am really sorry for what I did earlier today. I was a bit too angry."

The girl didn't speak.

Pierre then talked.

"Oh. I should introduce you. This is my wife, Chocolat. Though as classmates you should already know each other, eh?"

The girl seemed to be really frustrated and angry.

Maybe Pierre only invited her to help her study but the girl had other things in mind.

With Chocolat there though not even one of them could come true.

She just run right back out the house and away from there.

"Why did she leave?"

"Like I told you, she was totally trying to hit on you!!"

Chocolat yelled lecturing at Pierre.

"I-is that so....? Maybe I should stop doing that.... I mean not being distinct about what I am talking about...."

"Yeah. Do that. I don't wanna get caught up in such a thing again.

"I got it, my dear wife~"

Pierre said and kissed Chocolat's cheek gently.

To be continued......
I don't know where this story is going.... T.T
And if I run out of ideas (pretty impossible tbh) or don't have time (I am entering 2nd year of high school and my parents want me to do extra private lessons T.T) this is one of the stories that I will put on hiatus so be prepared for the worse.

It's not like I will drop it or something though!! You will just have to wait longer!!

Anyway see ya next month~

Pierre x Chocolat [Grown Up]Where stories live. Discover now