29) Happy And Free

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Song: The Night We Met by Lord Huron


Kai Carter (POV)

I'm feeling a bit jittery and my heart is racing faster than usual. My palms are sweaty and I'm having a hard time sitting still. My stomach is churning and I can feel a lump in my throat. My hands won't stop shaking and I'm having trouble catching my breath. I'm feeling uneasy and my mind is racing with thoughts.

I'm not having a panic attack or anything like that, I know it's stupid, but I'm just nervous because today I'm going on a date with Damien. I've gone out with Damien many times in the past, but this time will be different. Before I went with him as his friend, but now, we're going as boyfriends, which made me even more nervous.

I've never had a boyfriend before, I didn't know what to wear, not that I had that many options anyways. Should I wear something formal? Casual? I don't fucking know. In fact I didn't know anything. I have no idea what I'm doing.

Okay Kai, calm down. It's just a date. It's not the end of the world. Just put some fucking clothes on you and stop thinking so much. Yes, that's another problem with me. I am a professional over thinker, something that I really need to work on if I'm being honest.

After an eternity of going through my closet over and over again, and having the urge to burn everything and jump out of a window, I finally settled on something to wear. I decided to wear a black dress pants, a white t-shirt tucked in, a dark green blazer and a pair of white sneakers. Before I even had time to check myself out in the mirror, I heard the loud roar of an engine.

I looked out of the window only to see a vehicle that I had never seen before. It was an expensive looking silver sports car. That's all I could tell. I didn't know much about cars. But for some reason, I knew that it was Damien. I lived at the end of the street, and vehicles don't usually come this far without actually wanting to come.

And so I started making my way down the stairs. I was a little nervous that I was either under dressed or over dressed. Damien didn't exactly give me instructions on how I should dress. He didn't even tell me where we were going.

When I exited the front door, all my worries were washed away as soon as I saw my boyfriend leaning on the hood of the car. Wearing a black poloshirt that hugged his body nicely, a pair of brown chinos and a pair of white sneakers. His raven hair was gelled back exposing his sharp features more than usual, he was wearing a stud in one ear, and an arrow shaped dangling earing in the other, both silver.

I was shamelessly just standing there looking at him him, because...fuck. That is the only way I could discribe what I was looking at. Damien was sex on a stick, he was the true embodiment of handsome. His looks could paralyse you and give you a heart attack and you would thank him for it. Only God knows how I scored such a guy.

Damien chuckled. "Do you wanna go out with me, or just stand here looking at me all day?"

"Why can't I just do both?" I told him.

He smirked and started walking towards me. "As much as I love seeing you eye fucking me, we have a reservation, and I don't want to be late. You can eye fuck me later when there is less fabric covering my body."
He said with the smirk never leaving his face.

When he was standing directly in front of me, he wrapped his arms around my lower back. "You look absolutely gorgeous." He said and placed a gentle, spine chilling kiss on the crook of my neck, causing me to lean my head back to give him more access to my neck.

He let out a deep chuckle. "How about we go on our date now, and we can finish this later,yeah?" He asked and I nodded in response.

He went over to the passanger side and opened the door for me,and closed it once I was in, he then made his way around and climbed into the drivers seat.

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