35) This Is What It Feels Like

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Song: This Is Home by Switchfoot

Kai Carter (POV)

"And I started running, but I wasn't fast enough so he was starting to catch up with me. Dude he had this huge knife thingy in his hands and I assume he was going to stab me in the back, but then I started flying. I started fricking flying dude!" Said Juan as he violently shook Austin.

We were currently sitting under a tree at the front of the school, it was lunchtime and we decided that we didn't want to stay in the hot, crowded cafeteria, so we came here.

Juan was currently over enthusiastically telling us about a dream that he had last night. Apparently this was the first time he has had a lucid dream, and it was a really big deal to him.

"I would really appreciate it if you not give me brain damage, thank you very much." Said Austin to Juan.

Juan gave him a wide grin and stopped shaking him. "Sorry, I just got a bit excited."

"A bit?" Questioned Stacy. "You've been talking about your dream since morning, and not once did you tone down your excitement. I don't know what you eat or drink that gives you that much excitement, but you will have to share the secret."

"If I'm gonna share my secret, you're gonna have to pay, because nothing is ever free." Said Juan.

"And suddenly I'm not intrested in your happy potion." Said Stacy.

"He's probably always happy because he's getting dicked down by Rob." Said Austin.

"Or maybe Rob is getting dicked down by me." Juan said with a wink.

Ausitn scoffed. "Oh please. Like that's even a possibility."

"You don't know what happened behind closed doors." Said Juan with a smirk.

"You dicking Rob down? I'm not buying it." Said Austin.

"Who is dicking Rob down? Because I can assure you that's false information." Said Rob appearing from nowhere.

At the sight of Rob, Juan immediately got to his feet and rushed over to him. "What? No one said that. Why would we be talking about you?"

Rob hummed, then wrapped his arms around Juan's waist, bringing him closer to him. He kissed him on the tip of his nose, then whispered something in his ears causing him to get a bright shade of red.

Who knew that somebody like Juan could get embarrassed.

It's still a bit weird seeing Rob and Juan together as a couple, never in my wildest dreams would I imagine such a pair being together. What really surprised me though, was the fact that they actually looked really good together. First I got Damien, then Juan got Rob? The two of us really has the female population of the school punching air.

Stacy cleared her throat loudly, and Juan and Robs attention snapped to her.

"Don't be jealous because you can't do this with Holly." Said Juan.

"I'm not jealous." Said Stacy rolling her eyes.

"Holly has a boyfriend." Said Rob never letting go of Juan's waist.

Stacy sighed. "So I've heard. I'm happy for her."

"Where's Damien?" I asked directing my gaze at Rob.

"He's coming right behind you." Rob said causing me to turn behind.

And there he was in all his glory wearing the biggest smile that I've ever seen on him.

When he was close enough, I stood up so that I could greet my boyfriend. When we were within touching distance, standing on my tippy toes, I wrapped my arms around Damien's neck while he wrapped his strong arms around my waist and captured my lips into a brief kiss.

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