Seperation Leads to Desolation

198 11 6

(A/N: This chapter contains strong language, blood and gore depictions, sexual harassment, and violent actions. Feel free to comment what you think and what you like about the chapter. If you feel that there are somethings wrong with it, please let me know. Don't forget to vote the story and recommend if you can. I hope you all enjoy it.)

You have been advised...



In the skies above the clouds, a jet moving ever so fast cut through the clouds as a trail of wind follows behind its wing. As it flies below the clouds it soon enters above the city as it flew through the air. Down below cars were flipped over as smoke led from its engine, the fires that burned a few buildings had died down, and whatever survivors that were left were either driving away in their cars or hiding in their homes. As the jet passes above it soon makes it way towards the bridge where Takashi and Rei sat on the motorcycle as he drove across the bridge.

Hearing the roar of the incoming jet engines coming, Rei turns around with a smile. Quickly she raises her hand to wave at it as a camera beneath the jet that had been capturing photos of the city for surveillance took a picture of the two atop of the motorcycle.

Takashi: "I stayed up on the night before everything came to an end."

He thought to himself, recollecting everything that has happened in the past hour from the beginning when he was still back at school. Standing outside on the school staircase as he admired the scenery of the city that sat outside the school gates, the sunlight beaming down from the sun above the white fluffy clouds that passed over. But upon that day he had a seldom look on his face, one expressing sadness and boredom while also carrying regret. Regret for letting something, someone he cared about leave him...alone.

Takashi: "That's right everything was normal until then. I was in the sun enjoying the luxury of feeling sorry for myself. If there was a ranking for the most pathetic highschooler in the world, I'd rank forth. But at that time everything was already coming to an end."

He thought to himself, recounting how he felt as he then remembered hearing the sound of something clang against the school gate's. Looking forward he saw a man, stretching his arms out beyond the gates as he continued pressing himself against it attracting the attention of the teachers as they walked to see what was wrong with the man until he suddenly bit the arm of the gym teacher, who screamed and yelled in pain before falling to the ground presumably dead. As the teachers who stood by him in shock checked to see if he was alright, they realized he was not. His skin lacked blood as it turned grey, his eyes rolled to the back of his head becoming soulless as his mouth opened and gnawed at the female teachers' collarbone as she screamed out in agonizing pain. Blood rushing from her wounds as she could do nothing against the now turned teachers' bare strength.

As Takashi saw this he backed away, that's when everything played out as he ran from the staircase, bumping against Izuku, rushing to the classroom to get Rei and Hisashi and then them standing in the hallway listening to the dying cries of the man on the intercom. The students breaking out of classrooms in fits of horror and fear; beating, kicking, pulling and thrashing each other to get out of the way in fear of suffering the same fate as the teacher. During their escape, Takashi had a run in with the undead teacher known as Mr. Wakisaka, who ended up pushing Rei to the side and biting Hisashi.

Takashi: "But now that I think about it, I should've just forced my way outside no matter what. But we didn't have time to think so we went to the roof, heh, seemed like a good idea at the time."

He remembered how Izuku came in and dealt the finishing blow to Mr. Wakisaka with his prosthetic fist, helping them out as he gave Hisashi some medicine and upgraded Takashi and Rei's weapon as they then parted ways, they went to the roof, and he went to go and find Takagi. But when they made it to the roof, they were in shock for something else, something that they weren't prepared for.

We Take The Risk No-one else Takes (HOTDxIzuku crossover)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant