The Vast Emptiness

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Void between universes

"4 days, 17 hours, 20 minutes" the voice of the Omnitrix said as Ben swam through the inky dark void.

Swimming was the accurate term for how Ben was moving through it.

"The bitch about moving between a universe is the gunk is a pain to move through." Bellicus said.

"It is relaxing to not be near a gravity well." Serena said "Reminds me of The Forge of Creation."

The crunch heard from Ben gripping the universes as he moved had been heard through both of them.


"yes." A faint voice said "Ben I'm following a strand."

"Is it ethereal blue?" Ben asked.

"Part of it." Gwen's voice said "I've been climbing for a long time."

"Are you getting any closer?" Ben asked.

"I think so." Gwen said before another burst forward from Ben "What was that?!" Gwen asked.

"I'm crawling towards you." Ben said "I'm clinging to both universes near us."

"Ben where the fuck are we?!" Gwen screamed.

"Nowhere." Ben said "The space between universes."

"Ben what happened?" Gwen asked.

"I fucked up." Ben said "I didn't take the threat of the Annihilarrgh."

Ben was glad Alien-X couldn't cry but some how he was still choked up without breathing air.

"The universe was destroyed Gwen. Alien-X couldn't put back together a universe that got unmade." Ben said.

"How am I alive?!" Gwen shouted "Something warned me to Astral Project and then I felt my body get ripped apart. That should kills a caster but I'm still here."

"It's good to hear you Gwen," Ben said "I'm scared your just a figment of my imagination."

"She isn't." Serena said.

"Who was that?" Gwen asked.

"The Voice of Compassion and Love." Ben said "Gwen I told you about Serena."

"Hello Gwen." Serena said "It is a genuine surprise you survived the destruction of the Universe. But a welcome one."

"Kinda need a body to count as 'survived'." Bellicus said.

"And that was Bellicus." Ben said.

"Rage and Aggression." Gwen said.

"Gwen." Bellicus says flatly.

"Gwen are you hurting? In any pain?" Ben asked.

"I'm getting tired. I have a crippling urge to lick the string and my mind is losing focus." Gwen said "My Astral Self is easier to keep then my Anodite form but...Damn it I'm..."

"Hungry?" Ben asked.

Gwen was silent "Go with that." Gwen said "I'm at a tear. Holy crap this sting goes on forever and not every part is as strong as the others."

"Gwen can you see anything?" Ben asked.

Gwen was silent as she groaned looking around "I think I see a dude made of black holes."

"I can see you. It's like looking at the sun. A very pink sun." Ben said.

"Ben are you feeling anything from this string?" Gwen asked.

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