Chapter Ten - 'Dangerous' Activities

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Juliana's POV 

"Juliana, if you have something to say just say it." Massimo said in a bored tone from his seat next to me at the breakfast table.

Of course, his projected announcement immediately made all eyes train to me.

"I saw Hunter this morning. Why isn't he here?" All the adults all exchanged looks that I didn't quite understand.

"We weren't sure if you would be comfortable being around him yet." Nonna explained and I stared at them all for a second, making sure that they were for real.

"It's his home, and what happened that night technically wasn't his fault." I defended and Elliot let out an undignified huff.

"Hardly his fault. He's the one who initiated the entire thing." Elliot snapped at me, as though I didn't properly remember that night.

"Should he have made this place an impromptu crack house, no. But that's no reason that I should be uncomfortable around him."

"Have you forgotten what happened that night?" Elliot pondered at me like I was the insane one, voice raising as we both shifted to fully face each other.

"It's not like he knew his friends were going to try and rape me! One of them died that night, he probably feels bad enough without being practically shunned by his own family!" I said, my voice rising right back to match his.

I saw Elliot flinch slightly at that, fiery quickly replacing all other emotions in his eyes.

"Why the fuck did you even go down there!" He yelled at me, and this made me hesitate. I was about to shout something back when Elliot started up again.

"You had to know that-"

"Elliot Kryptonite Bianchi," Grandpa cut Elliot off, making us both look over to him. "Would you like to finish that sentence?" His voice was calm. Leathally so, in a way that sent a shiver down my spine.

Everything was silent for a good five seconds before Elliot shoved away from the table, making the dishes clatter before he stomped out of the room.

I turned back to sit correctly in my seat, resigned to once again picking at my otherwise uneaten breakfast.

That was something I struggled with a lot here. Picking at my food instead of eating it. I would eat a little bit out of each meal, but then be overpowered with the need to hurl.

"On that happy note," Aunt Stephanie started in a voice that was covered in false happiness and a fake smile. "We were planning on going ice skating today. Justin has been wanting to for a while now. Julie, do you know how?" She asked, turning the attention to me.

"You could say that." I mumbled, shoving a small piece of pancake in my mouth to give me a reason not to further explain.

"Amazing. We'll be leaving in half an hour." She said, before getting up and taking her plate to the kitchen.

Everyone else followed shortly after her, and I made an effort to make sure I was last, as I was the only one still with food on my plate.

Once in the kitchen I put my food in a bowl and stuck it in a corner of the fridge before pushing a bunch of things in front of it in hopes that no one would see the other numerous bowls that had collecting there over the course of my stay.

If I was being honest with myself, I knew I would never eat them, however I couldn't bring myself to throw it out. Plus Justin previously got a lecture for "eating all my food" and so I had to stop giving my plate to him.

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