Chapter Fifteen - Confusion

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I'm back with another late update! Bare with me for this chapter, okay? POSSIBLE TW. 

Juliana's POV 

When I come to, it's not peaceful. It's actually quite painful, and I immediately wish to still be asleep.

If only it wasn't for that stupid, obscene noise.

I groan. Everything hurts, everything feels heavy, and something is tickling my nose. I don't like it. I don't like any of it.

Okay, three seconds, three seconds and then I'm going to get up.' I told myself.

'One.' I ignore the obscene noise that got even more excessive, even more annoying.

'Two.' I ignore the gut feeling that told me I should stay down.

'Three.' I use much more energy than should be necessary to simply sit up, and instantly regret it, seeing as my head swam, and my ears rang incessantly.

I open my eyes, taking in my surroundings.


That's all I see. Looking down I see the tubes sticking out of my arms, and I did the first logical thing I could think of.

I yank them out.

There were about 3 in total. One in my forearm, one in the back of my hand, and then one in my other hand. Reaching up to do something about the feather that was being swished back and forth up the inside of my nose, I was confused when my hand wrapped around something small, bendy, and round, wrapping around my head right underneath my nose, being held in place by hooking behind my ears.

A nasal cannula.

It was blowing a steady stream of air up into my nose, which would explain why my nose was being tickled.

Looking over I assess the vital machine next to me. I noticed the little sticker that was wrapped around my pointer finger, and then the blood pressure cuff wrapped around my bicep. Annoyed, I lucidly reach over and press the correct buttons to turn off the machine, then rip off the cuff and sticker, thankful that the stupid thing had shut up.

I still wasn't thinking very straight as I swung my legs over the side of the bed, duly noting the fact that I looked to be in some sort of pinkish purple scrubs, and stood up, only to fall forward, narrowly avoiding face planting with the ground by catching myself on the little cluttered table to my left.

I officially knocked down a cup of water, and multiple medical looking things, still in their wrappers, but at the moment I couldn't bring myself to care.

'Get out. Get safe. Don't let him find you like this.' was the only thought going through my head right now.

I righted myself, fighting through the cloud of things I didn't have the time to process as I stumbled forward. Without the nasal cannula, it was significantly harder to breath, and there was a large pain and pressure on my chest, as though someone was repeatedly stabbing my chest while Massimo's fat ass sat on top of it.

I had stumbled my way to the door and yanked it open in time to see a startled looking Elijah, hand poised above where the handle was not but a second ago.

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