Chapter 21

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"Are you... Pregnant?" he asked, not taking his eyes off me. I grabbed the sweater that was hung behind the door and put it on quickly, forcing him to stop looking at the baby bump. He looked deep into my eyes before repeating the question.

"Aubrey, are you?" he asked, again. I nodded.

"Is it mine?" I nodded again. He grinned for a second before his eyes turned dark.

"So, what? Were you just not gonna tell me?!" he asked, obviously agitated. "That's fucked up."

"I didn't think you'd gain anything from knowing. It'll just mess up your reputation and-"

"Don't you think that's up to me to decide?" he snapped, obviously shocked by the news.

"Like you've never hidden anything from me."

"This is different! How the fuck could you do this to me? Fucking hide a kid from me, Aubrey?! Did you think I wasn't gonna find out? That Jared wasn't gonna find-" he stopped himself mid sentence before realizing what was happening. "Jared fucking knew didn't he?!"

"Morgan, it's not like th-"

"I can't believe he fucking knew and didn't tell me," he laughed dryly, rubbing the back of his neck. "What was the plan here? Y'all were just gonna play house with my kid?!"

"He wanted me to tell you, he did. But-"

"But what, Aubrey?"

"But I didn't want to, okay?!" I snapped.

"You hate me that much, huh?" he said, visibly hurt by my previous statement.

"I hate the way you used me and made me feel this fucking small," I said, bringing my thumb and index finger close together. "I hate the way you were caught kissing some random blonde on your front porch a mere two weeks after I left! I hate that you made Ellie cry when she realized you really weren't coming back and how you made me fall in love with you just to watch me fall apart! I don't hate you, Morgan. I wish I did, but I don't. But I hate the way you've treated me and I thought, you know what? I'd rather go through this alone than with someone who doesn't care about me," I snapped.

"I should have been honest with you, granted. But telling me I don't care about you? That's a lie and you know that. You wanna villainize every little thing I do? Fine. But, You left. You ignored my texts and my calls for weeks on end and what? Now you want to blame me because I fucked a random girl four weeks after you left, by the way. Not two, four. And you wanna know why I know that? Because I sent you 28 fucking texts telling you I loved you. I sent you one everyday, for four weeks, because I'd made you a promise the first time I told you I loved you, that I'd tell you everyday for the rest of my life. And I did that for four fucking weeks without getting nothing back from you, not a fuck you, no nothing. So yeah, I thought fuck it, I need to get her out of my system. And yeah, the girl from the pictures my asshole neighbor took? Yeah, I fucked her, Aubrey. I did," he chuckled dryly. "And you know what? That didn't change a fucking thing. I still woke up the next day with her in my bed wishing she was you. But you don't get to fucking weaponize that. Not when I'd just spent a fucking month begging you to give me the time of day. That's not fair." he spat angrily. My head started spinning.

"I need to sit down," I sighed, pulling out a chair from under the kitchen table.

"Are you okay?" he asked, genuinely concerned.

"I'm just dizzy," I said. He sat on the chair next to me.

"I don't wanna fight with you, that's not why I came here," he said gently, pulling his chair closer to mine and taking my hand into his. "I just wish you would've told me. I have a right to know these things."

"I should have, I know. And I was going to, but then I saw you with that girl and I thought maybe you were happy with someone else and that I shouldn-"

"Marry me," he interrupted.

"What?" My eyes widened, shocked by what he had just said.

"I'm serious, let's get married. And we can have a big wedding and plaster it all over social media and everyone will know we're married. You're never gonna have to worry about another girl ever again, no one will want to fuck the married guy," he chuckled and I bursted out laughing.

"I think you're overestimating the girl code a little bit," I laughed. "Look, there are gonna be girls who want to be with you and who hang out around you and that's not gonna stop. I have to figure out a way to deal with it and how it affects me and rushing into marriage is not the solution."

"Just say you don't wanna marry me, at this point," he pouted. I giggled.

"You're annoying. And a little bit crazy," I teased.

"Girl, shut up and admit you missed me already," he said, getting up from his chair and pulling on my hand for me to get up too. I got on my feet and he pushed me slightly, sitting me up on the kitchen table. He put his hands on my waist, and got closer to me, spreading my legs slightly, my thighs now resting on either side of him. He looked into my eyes softly, making my heart beat speed up.

"I missed you," I admitted.

"I love you," he whispered, his eyes not leaving mine.

"I love you too," I mumbled. He placed his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss, his lips parting slowly to let his tongue dance with mine. The warmth of his breath tickled my nose and his hands ran slowly over my body, stopping abruptly on my stomach. He pulled away from the kiss softly and looked down at my bump, placing his hands on it softly.

"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?" he asked.

"Not yet, four more weeks until the anatomy scan. We'll find out then," I smiled faintly.

"Can I... be there?"

"If you want," I said. He beamed, still staring at my stomach, his hands not leaving it.

"I never got to do that with Indie, you know. Katie and I were already broken up and butting heads and she didn't really want me around during her pregnancy. I hate that I missed that. I want to be here this time. Take care of you, both of you," he said softly.

"You're a good guy," I admitted.

"I don't know about that. But I want to be, for you and Ellie... and the baby," he said softly. "I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad again," he whispered looking into my eyes.

"You know I'm not trying to trap you, right? 'Cause I know you said that Katie- And I don't want your money , I-"

"Aubrey," he said, putting an end to my rambling. I sighed. "You could drain my fucking bank account for all I care. You're not trapping me into anything. I know we didn't plan this, but I couldn't think of a better mom for my kid. I'm happy. Really happy," he said, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. I smiled.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really," he said gently, giving me a little nod.

"MORGAAN!!" Ellie yelled, running from her bedroom and hugging his leg. He chuckled.

"Hi, Miss Ellie. Did you take good care of your mama for me?" he asked. She nodded.

"What are you doing up, El? It's late," I told her.

"I heard Morgan and I wanted to say hi," she beamed at him, completely ignoring me. "Does this mean we get to go back to grandma Lesli's house?" she asked, excited.

"Yes," Morgan said at the exact same time as I said "No." We looked at each other and I frowned.

"We'll see, El. Now go back to bed, honey, it's late," I instructed her. She frowned and stomped her little foot.

"C'mon, baby. I'll tuck you in," Morgan said, walking her to her bedroom. And for a second, all was right with the world.


Don't get fooled, if you know me at all by now, you know I got some more drama coming your way! 

Thanks for the support, you guys! I have a bit of a busy week this week, but I will try to update at the very least daily (and more if I can)!



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