Chapter 34

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I walked into the house where Morgan had thrown up all over the kitchen floor and was now bent over the kitchen sink, holding on to the counter for balance. I felt the nausea overcome me as my eyes trailed over the puddle of vomit.

"Morgan Cole Wallen, what the hell is wrong with you?!" Lesli yelled as she walked into the kitchen.

"I'm so sorry, Lesli. I'll clean everything up," I said, apologizing on his behalf.

"I better not see you scrubbing that floor, Aubrey. You're seven months pregnant and fully sober. This has nothing to do with you," she said sternly. She walked up to Morgan who was still losing balance over the sink. "Aren't you even a little bit embarrassed? To think that you're allowing your future wife to see you like this is shameful, Morgan. Go take a shower and go to bed or God help me-"

"Fine," he mumbled. "Help me?" He asked me, reaching out his hand.

"I'll get you to the bathroom," Ernest said, grabbing him. "Try to keep it in this time, man."

"Sorry," Morgan slurred. I sighed.

"I'm so sorry, Lesli," I apologized again.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, honey. If anything, I'm sorry for my son's behavior. Tonight was supposed to be your night," she said, disappointed.

"Well, I had a great time," I assured her. "And the party was beautiful."

"Thank you, darling. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," she smiled.

"I'll go see if he's okay," I said softly. She nodded and I made my way to the bathroom where Ernest had sat him down in the bathtub.

"I'll do a lot of things for him, but bathing him is out of the question," Ernest said. I chuckled.

"I got it from here," I said. "Thanks for helping."

"Anytime," he said. He gave me a quick nod and left the bathroom. I locked the door behind him and helped Morgan get his clothes off.

"Come with me," he said, as I was running the water over his naked body. "I want you against me," he slurred. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm good right here," I said dryly.

"You're pretty," he mumbled,

"And you're drunk."

"You're by far the prettiest girl I've ever been with."

"I'm gonna need you to shut the fuck up right now," I snapped. He giggled.

"I like it when you're feisty," he mumbled. I rolled my eyes, again.

"Come in the bathtub with me, the water's nice," he begged.

"You're getting on my last nerve," I warned him. He looked down at the water and splashed me like a little kid playing in the pool. "Are you serious right now?!"

"Come with me!" He requested again.

"No!" I answered. He splashed me again. "Morgan, stop! What the fuck?!"

"You can't stay in them wet clothes, baby! You'll catch a cold," he slurred, winking at me. I looked down at my fully soaked dress and sighed.

"You're a fucking idiot," I frowned. He splashed me again. "Boy, have you lost your mind?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I said as he kept on splashing me.

"I'll stop if you come in with me," he giggled.

"Fine, fuck!" I groaned, taking off my dress and underwear. He stared at me.

"You're so fucking beautiful," he whispered.

"Shut your mouth. I'm freaking 30 pounds heavier than I was when you first met me and my-"

"Shhhh," he shushed me. "You're the most beautiful creature God has ever made," he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me in closer to him.

"Move," I said, stepping into the bathtub and laying down next to him. He wrapped his arm around me and we both laid on our sides, facing each other. The warm water was up to above my shoulder and I had to admit this felt nice.

"I love you so much," he said, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Then why do you keep doing dumb shit?" I asked softly, letting the warm water slowly wash off my anger.

"I don't know. I do shit I don't mean. You hurt me and I wanted to hurt you back. I didn't do anything, Aubrey, it's not like I asked her to be here. And then when I tell you that it's like you don't believe me. It drives me nuts how you just blame me for shit I can't control. I just wanted to piss you off," he admitted.

"If I hadn't been there would you have slept with her?"

"If you hadn't been there I wouldn't even have looked at her. The only reason I even spoke to her was to piss you off, honestly."

"Is that why you got way too drunk too?" I asked, rolling my eyes. He chuckled.

"I was just hurt, I didn't wanna feel anything anymore."

I sighed. Neither of us were perfect. We both had our own baggage and share of issues, but we had to figure out a better way to communicate with one another. This wasn't sustainable. There would come a time where one of us would take it too far and we wouldn't be able to go back anymore.

"What happened with Jesse in Vermont?" I asked.

"That was a long time ago," he said.

"That's not what I asked you," I said softly, putting a wet strand of hair behind his ear.

"He's an asshole is what it is," he said, rubbing his face with his wet hands and letting out a sigh.

"How so?"

"He was dating this girl, Amanda, and he was putting hands on her. I noticed this huge bruise on her shoulder at a baseball game and asked her what happened. She started crying almost immediately and told me that that piece of shit had been abusive to her for months. I told her I would help her," he said nonchalantly.

"And?" I asked.

"And we made a plan where I would tell Jesse that I was in love with Amanda and that she was in love with me and she was leaving him. I was just buying her time to grab her shit and leave. She was looking for a way out and I gave her one. When I told Jesse that I had been sleeping with her for weeks he hit me. So I hit him back, but he wouldn't stop. So I kind of got carried away and... knocked him out. And apparently he went to Jared to get stitched up or something 'cause now he's the good guy and I'm the piece of shit," he mumbled.

"But why are you still friends with him?" I asked, shocked by the story he had just told me.

"I'm not, but the guys are. I promised Amanda I wouldn't tell a soul and I haven't. Well, until now," he said. "But why do you think I drove out to Vermont instead of flying with Jesse and Ern? Or why I was sitting by myself at the bar instead of with them when I first met you at the baseball game? I don't wanna be around that fucking piece of trash. And when I saw your ex speak to you the way he did? Man, he's lucky there were other people there," he blurted out.

"You're a good guy," I said softly looking into his eyes. He looked back into mine, his beautiful blue eyes squinting slightly as he bit his bottom lip.

"I wanna have a million babies with you," he slurred, kissing my neck. I giggled.

"That's not gonna happen," I laughed.

"Can we practice?" he winked.

"Boy, have you seen how drunk you are? There's no way you can even get it up right now," I laughed. He frowned.

"There's other things I can do."


So, I know just by looking at my stats that some of you really like smut and some of you really don't so I'm gonna do a quick stand alone smut chapter for Ch. 35. Y'all can read it if you like it or skip it if you don't. As per usual you won't have to read it to make sense of the rest of the book.

Hope y'all like this!



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