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Navier headed to the nursery carrying her sleepy baby making sure not to wake her up, as she reached the room and was about to push the door open she heard a faint voice "navier?" She turned around to see sovieshu who seemed like he was also about to enter the nursery

"Your majesty" navier said as they faced each other, sovieshu looked at the sleepy princess as he gently caressed her cheek "why is she so tired?" He asked as he kept his focus on his child "we strolled around the garden for a bit and she fell asleep without me noticing" navier replied

"Ah, i see. Let me carry her" he said as navier handed her to him "you've been taking care of irene for the past few weeks, why not rest for today" he offered as he smiled gently at navier. Navier smiled and nodded as a response "head to your chambers ill handle this" sovieshu said as he opened the nursery door

"Yes your majesty" navier said as she gave her child a peck on her forehead and bowed slightly at her husband and headed off

She walked the hall and smirked as she "forgot" to tell sovieshu irene's attachment to her, she wasn't sure if irene would be a pain to sovieshu or not but at the least she wanted sovieshu to struggle being a father even just for a day but she thought to herself that sovieshu would probably just lay her down in the crib and call in a maid either way she'll stay in her bedroom for a bit and come back to the nursery

As sovieshu saw navier off he entered the nursery and was about to place the baby down when suddenly she woke up wailing "UWAHHHHHHHHHHH" the baby cries leaving sovieshu in distress "why do you cry baby?" He said as he rocked himself trying to calm her down but the baby just continued to cry he thought she was just hungry and tried to give her her bottle but to no avail he failed and the baby continued to cry

"Hush now child" he said as he tried to calm her yet the baby's cries became louder and louder, suddenly the door creaked open and a white haired girl entered "your majesty?~" rashta said as she went to him and the crying baby in his hand "rashta? What brings you here?" He asks confused "rashta heard crying and thought it was the empress having a hard time with the princess so rashta wanted to help" she replied with a bright smile

"Ah i see, perhaps you can help me with the princess?" He asks as he really couldn't get the princess to quiet down "sure your majesty! Perhaps the princess is tired or hungry?" She said trying to suggest something "the princess has already slept and she refused the bottle i gave her, her diaper doesn't seem full too nor wet" he said as he continued to rock the baby

"Perhaps she's uncomfortable?" She said as she tried to carry the princess but to her shock the baby cried even louder and harder sovieshu carried the princess back and looked at rashta whose eyes were filled with tears "d-does the princess not like rashta?" She asked as she sniffled

Great, not only does sovieshu have to handle one crying baby but two "im sure its not like that" he said as he smiled at her and then a ginger peeked in it was navier's lady in waiting "your majesty? Why is the princess crying so much and where's empress?" She asks as she headed in

"Navier is in her chamber's i told her to rest for today and as for the princess, I don't know why she's crying so much" he said looking tired already. Laura carried the baby and took a look he then smiled "the princess just misses her mother! Im not sure if you know but the princess is quite attached to her majesty and would wail off if she leaves her unnatended just for a minute" she explained

Sovieshu sighed his expression seeming to calm down "ah, i see then" he said as he and rashta followed laura to the empress's chambers

Inside navier was drinking tea as countess elieza was mending to her as she saw irene crying she quickly got up and headed to her "you already missed me hm?" She said as she carried her which made the child to quickly quite down and fall asleep

Sovieshu and rashta looked amazed by this but rasta was still sad "the princess cried harder when rashta tried to carry her, does she perhaps hate rashta?" She asked as tears fell from her eyes

Navier who was about to head back to her tea table looked at rashta then smiled "ofcourse she does"

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