chapter 4

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This is the part of the story where I hesitate to speak.

The part where he and I actually meet.

I'm not even halfway through telling Ma everything, but she still sits beside me, staring with concerned eyes.

I could just stop right here. Tell her to forget it. I could just sleep all this off 'til morning, wake up, and let it all become a distant memory.

But I clear my throat, and I keep going.

Although hesitantly.

I keep going, and I begin with how hot it was this particular day, and how I didn't think much of him once we locked eyes. Of course I didn't think much of him. That's kind of how it is when you meet new people.

I didn't think the random guy in front of me would cause such detriment to my life.

For a minute, we just stood there and blinked at each other. I guess waiting on the other to be the first to speak.

But once I figured he wouldn't, I peeked past him into what I was hoping was Ash's house. I could only see half of the kitchen to the right and half of what I assumed to be the living room to the left. But I didn't see Ash, and I didn't feel like asking this guy if she was home. So I just shook my head.

"Wrong house," I said. "My bad."

As soon as I was about to turn around, he snapped his fingers. "Aren't you—?" Then he paused. Snapped his fingers again. And then again after that. "Something with an 'A,' right?"


But I only nodded.

And he just kept snapping his fingers. On the last snap, he squinted straight at me. "Aaron?"

I snorted. "Angel?"

He clicked his tongue and threw his head back. "Angel." Then he opened the door wide enough for me to see the rest of the living room and kitchen.

I gave a nervous chuckle and walked inside. I didn't venture off too far past the foyer, though. Family photos hung on the walls all around me, and when I saw a picture of baby Ash, I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding.

He closed the door behind us and brushed past me into the kitchen. He didn't say much else. Just rested his elbows on the island countertop, propping his phone on a bowl of plastic fruit. Then, once he finally took note of the clueless look on my face—

"Oh," he said. "She'll be back in a minute."

Still, I stood there awkwardly, throwing my arms up before letting them drop back down. "Okay," I mumbled, looking around until my eyes landed on the couch. I pointed to it. "Can I sit down?"

He shrugged. "Go ahead." Then pulled earphones out of his pocket and plugged them into his ears.

I shook my head and then walked over to the couch.

Directly in front of it was a fireplace, and on the shelf above were pictures of him and Ash. First, a baby picture of what looked to be him, and then one of Ash. Then a picture of him a little older, and then once of her. It went on like that 'til the final picture of the two of them together. She was sitting down and he was standing behind her, resting his hands on her shoulders as they both forced a smile. You could tell they both didn't want to be there, which made me chuckle. I shook my head and looked over my shoulder at him. He was in the same position, except this time covering his mouth with a fist as his shoulders bounced with laughter. I couldn't help but notice how different he looked compared to his younger self.

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