Chapter 2

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Twenty Dollars-Worth of Love

Chapter 2

What the hell!?

My inner thought snapped me out of my sleep. Something was burning my eyes; it couldn't be sunlight because I was pretty sure I closed the curtains last night. Or did someone opened them?

I struggled desperately to open my eyes; I flashed them open and I was greeted by yellow light. I blinked my eyes trying to clear my blurry eyesight, and a pair of light brown eyes appeared in my sight.

"Dad!" I groaned and burried my face in the pillow.

"Time to get up sleeping beauty," he said trying to get me out of bed.

"Ten more minutes," I insisted.

"Sweetie, it's already 8:36 am, you'll be late for school," he replied.

"What!? You could have woken me up earlier!" I screamed as I jumped out of bed.

"Believe me Sky, I've been trying to wake you up for the past 30  minutes but you're such a heavy sleeper," he explained as I ran to my bathroom.

After taking the quickest shower of my life I hurriedly walked to my walk-in closet and closed the door. I pulled some skinny jeans and a random blue shirt, then got on a pair of gray-colored Vans. I barely combed my hair, grabbed my bag and ran downstairs to the garage.

"Bye, Dad! Take care!" I shouted as I opened my car's door. I turned on my engine and drove off.


To say I was speeding was an understatement; I was literally driving like a mad man. Even one of the drivers screamed at me telling me to learn how to drive properly.

I was just a few blocks away from school when a stupid idiot crossed the road even when the light is on. 


"Oh, sh*t!" I blurted out as I stepped on the brakes, stopping my car. Oh God! Please tell me I didn't kill someone.

I slowly opened my eyes while my hands tightly gripped the steering wheel.

I saw a dark manly figure, I really couldn't see his face because he was wearing a hoodie.

Suddenly he shifted his position and looked at me, it was then that I truly saw what he looked like.

He was tall, his blonde messy hair was all over his forehead. His deep hazel eyes were gazing at me intensely; he was a bit sweaty and the sun brushed his face lightly, revealing his perfectly tanned skin.


Was I checking him out?

I felt my blood rose to my cheeks. What's the matter with you Sky!? God, that was so inappropriate.

He just smirked at me and left.

In merely two seconds my expression turned from shocked to furious. I was sure my face had that prominent color of red right now.

The nerve!? What is wrong with that guy!?

Calm down, my inner thought said. I let out a long sigh and just continued driving. I glanced at my wrist watch and read that it was already 9:18. I was officially late, thanks to that jerk. Well, I guess I have to skip my first class today. 


After this morning's incident, nothing really happened for the rest of the day. Class was already over , I was heading to the parking lot when I received a text. I quickly opened it and read:

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