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Chapter 11 - Warning

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Neaeson came in and slumped into the seat beside Karmely, spooning green beans into his plate and eating them with his hands. His entrance was a welcome distraction from the eyes on Lyrani.

Karmely didn't notice her father settle into the chair next to her as she set her toasted cheese sandwich on her plate. She was mesmerised by what was too much like a human soap opera for Lyrani's liking.

Golomma finally broke the tense silence. "I wouldn't advise that you go around telling people about your involvement with King Nash." She placed one teacup in front of Lyrani and the other before Agent Phen with abrupt clinks.

Lyrani blinked. That wasn't what had happened. She had been outed by Karmely, or she'd never have willingly confessed to even knowing Nash, but she didn't think it was wise to argue with Golomma.

"Mum," Karmely whined again.

"I'll make your tea now, sweetheart."

"You can have mine, Karmely." Lyrani offered her teacup to the other elf.

"Thank you. You have the manners of a queen." The girl reached across the table to slide the tea and its saucer over to her and gulped it down.

Lyrani smiled faintly.

She wasn't a queen. Perhaps she would be one day if she married Nash, but it was still early days into their relationship.

She couldn't deny that she imagined it sometimes, the kind, caring husband he would make, the beautiful family they would raise together. Every time she had to untangle her body from his so that she wouldn't be late for her train, she wondered what it might be like not to have to do that, to have the luxury of falling asleep beside him, waking up with him the next morning, and having him to herself the rest of the day.

Even so, love wasn't the only ingredient for a good marriage, not with lives as different and tasks as divergent as Lyrani and Nash's. They both served their kingdom, but not in the same way.

Aside from gifting her the queen's chambers at the new Vlitavia Palace, Nash hadn't mentioned marriage yet. Perhaps he was also waiting to see the direction their courtship took. Marriage was an important decision, one that wasn't to be rushed despite what Karmely's enthusiasm would suggest.

Golomma frowned down at Lyrani. "We support King Nash. We believe his side of the story, that him being possessed by that wicked grandmother of his made him responsible for all his horrible crimes, but not all do."

Lyrani avoided Golomma's eyes, spooning some green beans onto her plate. "But I gave proof."

"And not everyone believes your proof." Golomma picked up her tea tray. "Some, like us, see you as a heroic agent who saved King Nash and his kingdoms. Probably most of Elvenland shares that sentiment." She looked over at her husband for confirmation.

From Neaeson's eyes that hadn't left the green beans on his plate, Lyrani hadn't thought he was listening to the conversation, but he nodded his agreement. "I'd say King Nash is a good man. The changes he has been implementing in the last year have shown the truth of his character."

Lyrani smiled. She was proud of him, of how he was bold enough to take steps to make a better kingdom and realm, even for those who hated him, who still mistrusted him. It would take time, but Lyrani hoped that he'd win the loyalty of the majority eventually.

"I think King Nash is a good man too." Karmely rested her chin on her palm, a dreamy look in her eyes that Lyrani couldn't be sure she wasn't imagining.

Her mother shot her a look. "Good looks do not make a good man, Karmi."

Lyrani might've interjected with her opinion that both applied to Nash if Karmely didn't speak first.

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