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Chapter 35: Malevolence

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"Meiyla!" Lyrani cried out, not caring that her words echoed through the cave or that it would rouse the other agents from sleep. She didn't even care that it would draw attention to the mess Favian had made her life into.

She could still feel the press of his mouth against hers, of his fingers digging into her skin like the most vicious sort of spectre. Lyrani rubbed wherever his touch still lingered and continued onward, calling her partner's name.

They were just partners now, if even that, no longer anything close to friends. Lyrani ignored her broken heart. The only way she could fix this was if she focused.

"Meiyla!" Lyrani broke past the threshold of the cavern, stopping a short distance outside it. Night flooded in around her, embracing her with its coolness as if to slow her down, to force her to analyse the situation before taking another step.

A figure with a stubby little ponytail stood silhouetted by the moonlight with her back to Lyrani, her shoulders slumped. She made no move as Lyrani stopped behind her, wary of reaching out to her but knowing that she had to.

"Meiyla..." Lyrani's mouth went dry. What could she say to make this better? Would an apology be enough? She didn't know if she would be at all forgiving in Meiyla's position, but she had to tell her the truth. Perhaps it would unblind her, blunt the fury she would hurl at Lyrani like a spear if she could.

Lyrani swallowed. "I'm so sorry about what you saw. It wasn't what it looked like, I swear. Favian kissed me against my will." Her throat closed at the memory, at the dreadful feeling of being overpowered, being violated. Her voice trembled. "I would've never done anything to betray or hurt Nash or you."

The stars twinkled down at Lyrani for a long, silent moment, anxiously drifting in the heavens as if they feared for her. She frowned as she glanced at them. They had no reason to worry about her. As long as she was in the dark, she was safe. This was her domain. The darkness was more than a friend. It was an ally.

"Save your pathetic excuses for someone who'll buy them." Meiyla spun around, her face contorted in vicious fury. "Do you have any idea what it's like to be the girl who came after the great Lyrani Esch? Dundor's darling. Elvenland's saviour. Favian's one true love." Her voice quivered. "Do you know what it's like knowing that however hard I try, I'll never be enough for him because I'm not you?"

Lyrani took a step back. That was it. That was why Meiyla carried all that unfounded resentment for Lyrani. It had been Favian acting behind the scenes, playing her as he had once played Lyrani. It was a particularly despicable man to use his young girlfriend's insecurities against her.

Lyrani felt somehow like an accomplice in Favian's scheme just because her name was part of it even though she had nothing to do with it.

Her fists clenched at her sides. All she wanted was to punch him in the face for all the hurt he had caused, but instead, she uncurled her fingers to reach for Meiyla's hand.

She squeezed it even as it was limp, reluctant in hers. "I'm so sorry that Favian made you feel that way, but you are you, and that makes you wonderful. Never, ever forget that."

"I don't understand you." Meiyla yanked her hand out of Lyrani's. She glared at Lyrani, her eyes glinting like a blade in the moonlight. "You pretend to be so kind and understanding, so devoted to your beloved boyfriend, so invested in the fate of a wretched halfling infant" —she spat— "and you do it so well that people don't believe how wicked and cruel your true colours are."

Lyrani blinked, baffled. She may not be the warmest person to be around, but she would never intentionally hurt anyone as Meiyla was implying. "What are you talking about?"

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by K A R A
Over a year after Lyrani and Nash freed themselves and their kingdom...
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