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Murtasim shanawaz khan : younger son of shanawaz khan, 25 years old, at the age of 18 went to London, from last three years not visited Haveli, due to work commitments,  he is a wild life photographer and remain in jungles most of time, in difficult times also he remains calm ,quiet and doesn't react impulsively,  which he learned during his stay in jungles... but becomes a complete different man for his love, his Meerab..

Meerab waqas khan : younger Daughter of waqas khan , 21 years old, at the age of 20 was married to Anas shahnawaz khan ,who conspired to marry her just to win a bet, who died after a year, in a clash with enemies.. she is now widow and lost all hopes in life, this one year with anas was disastrous for her,  she never cried for her husband's death..

Haya waqas khan : Elder daughter of waqas khan ,23 years old, obsessed with murtasim, she planned many things at his back, ( murtasim is unaware about her intentions, he treat her as his cousin ), she was the one to bet for her sister's life, waiting for murtasim as declared Murtasim's fiancee by shanawaz khan..

Family tree:

Eldest brother Shanawaz khan ( 50 yrs) , a politician, only one thing matters to him that is his political career...

Wife: salma begum ( 48 yrs), good by heart but  afraid of her husband..

Children : Anas khan ( 27 yrs), a spoilt brat, good for nothing, aggressive and abusive behaviour..

Murtasim khan ( 25yrs) , heart of family, very cool and calm, think twice before doing anything, he is the only one who can convince shahnawaz khan for anything...

Marium khan (21yrs), soul sister of meerab, she cried with her for every misery and at some point wanted her to run away..

Middle brother waqas khan ( 48 yrs ), a politician,  he is not strict like his brother, he knows haya is cunning and will manage herself in this cruel world, but possessive about meerab who is very innocent,  after her marriage with anas and seeing her suffering,  he got depressed and held himself responsible for her misery, he is not in talking terms with his brother...

Wife : aneela khan (45yrs)  , a loving mother, all her kids are her life and both her daughters are her pride, thinks haya is also equally innocent..

Children: Haya khan (23yrs), very cunning and thinks she is in love with murtasim,  jealous of meerab for everything

Meerab khan (21yrs), very innocent,  lovable , and soft by heart, emotional, can't see anyone hurt, that is the reason people at times misuse her for thus nature, she remains silent and doesn't share anything with anyone except marium and Saba, who are her strength..

Rohail khan ( 21yrs), twin of meerab , aggressive and always protects meerab, follower of his murtasim bhai, but now angry with him, as after whatever happened thinks murtasim bhai is selfish and moved on in his life with someone else..


Youngest brother Anwar khan (45 yrs), handles family business, not into politics..
Modern by thoghts, doesnt believe in old traditions much, for him happiness of his children matters , Wants meerab to be her daughter in law , after being widow also he wants her to be part of his family..

Wife : Nadia Khan ( 45 yrs), doctor by profession, most educated in family, a full time working women, meerab, marium and her daughter Saba are of same age and she wanted them to study together but because of shahnawaz and murtasim she could not succeed, always supported meerab and loves her a lot..

Children : Naurez khan ( 24 yrs), handles business with his father, loves meerab a lot, he is very angry with himself for not helping her, he hates murtasim for doing this to meerab, he holds him responsible for her situation, he promised rohail that as soon possible he will marry meerab and leave this Haveli..

Saba khan ( 21 yrs) likes rohail but knows at present he is not in his correct state of mind, due to meerab,  he has lost all charm , but determined to do anything for both rohail and meerab...

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