chapter 8

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Due to loud noise of murtasim, everyone came out in that section, as haya crossed meerab, she gave a disgusting look to her , anyone can see swollen and red eyes of haya due to constant crying...

Murtasim: Now let me clear one thing to all that this weekend me and meerab are having nikkah after that immediate rukhsati, she will be living with me as my better half...

Maa begum : dont you think all marriage related discussions should be done by elders..
Does it look good you yourself are talking about your marriage...

Murtasim: once I have given you this right to decide about our marriage but see what you have done, now i can't take risk and I don't believe you all..

Maa begum: listen son, please try to understand you are only son left to us and i cant risk you with her, she is not good omen..we will find a nice groom for meerab...

Murtasim and waqas together shouted: bhabhi begum.... Maa....

Waqas: what are you saying about our meerab.. l don't believe your thoughts about meerab, she is daughter of this house.. and you are also mother of a daughter and whatever happened you know better that meerab was not at fault...

Murtasim: earlier I wanted to wait for weekend but not now, (he called bakhtu and asked him to bring a moulvi immediately)..

He asked saba and marium to get meerab ready for marriage..

It's been a week to marriage and then immediate rukhsati was held, meerab has still not overcome with sudden change in her life from young college girl to married women to widow to a married women again, she still fears presence of a male near her, murtasim very well understood her delimma and gave her time to accept him fully by soul and body, he also knows he need to work hard so that she becomes comfortable around him, because there is lot of things which still he is unaware and many unsolved queries of events occurred in last two years will be solved only when meerab will help him...
But before that he need to heal her , if he want to have a forever with her...

It's morning time and they both are getting ready for breakfast..

There room has two section, one section has bed , a sofa set and mirror to get ready whereas other section contains a washroom and dressing room with mirror, murtasim was getting ready in outside section and meerab was inside getting ready in dressing area..

Murtasim: meerab please do fast, we are getting late for breakfast...

As he didn't get reply, he peeked inside the dressing to check what she is doing and got mesmerized seeing her in red salwar suit but found her struggling with zip of her kurta, so in order to help her he moved towards her , as meerab saw him she got afraid and turned around to face him...

Murtasim: I am your husband, have right to atleast zip up your dress, so turn round , as your hairs are stuck in zip, let me help you...

Meerab didn't turn and she asked him to call marium ..

Murtasim laughed a little and said in her ears slowly..

Murtasim: won't it be embarrassing for me to call someone to zip up dress of my wife, as they might be thinking, this task should be easy for me as I might have done this many times till now...( and he came close to her)

Till the time she understands what murtasim said, he already turned her around and started to solve the zip and hair equation, as he was doing this he needed to unzip the kurta more and he was touching her back by his fingers, which was giving a different sensation to both of them, meerab closed her eyes..suddenly murtasim felt something rough on her shoulders back skin, he shifted her kurta a little and found it bruised and black, it was a cut mark..

He turned her around roughly and asked her...

Murtasim: who did this..

Meerab was really afraid, she had tears in her eyes, she was not able to form words...

Murtasim: just tell me , how this happened...

Meerab : Anas... he tried to ....

She started crying ...

He could not see her crying,  zipped her dress and then turned her around and hugged tightly..

He Promised himself that he will remove all her bad memories completely by his love..

He wiped her tears and asked her to get ready so that they can go together downstairs for breakfast...

In order to lift her mood, murtasim appreciated meerab about her food that she made last night, and wanted to eat same menu today, to which she happily agreed..

As they reached downstairs,  he pulled chair for her , made her sit and then took next chair beside her, all these gestures made her smile and she felt shy in front of elders...

Murtasim started to fill both of their  plates..

Haya was also present at the same table , she was jealous to see all this love and care for her..

Haya: wow meerab what good luck you have, two husband's from same family..

Murtasim: you have better luck then her , still sitting with same family having breakfast after doing so much for them...  right haya...

Before haya could say anything,  someone approached dining table, seeing the person everyone got up from chair...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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