22|The Ball

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Elianna's POV

2 weeks later

I frowned as I watched the tiny water droplets fall on the car window.

We had been driving for about thirty minutes now and none of us said a word.

It had been like this for the past two weeks.

He would wake up before I did, go to work all day and then come back home when he thinks I'm asleep.

I didn't mind that.

At least I didn't have to see his stupid face or deal with his atrocious attitude.

He didn't even tell me we were going to this stupid ball; Seb did.

I unbuckled my tight heels and kicked them off. Seb said the drive was about two hours but the way how Enzo was driving we would be there in an hour.

At first I was skeptical of going on a two hour drive alone with him but then I remembered I didn't have a choice.

It wasn't an offer from him, it was an order.

He made it clear that I 'had' to do what he says.

I took a peak at him for the fourth time as he looked on the road ahead of him all dressed down in his tuxedo.

He always dressed extra but tonight, he looked extra extra.

The first time I saw him looking like this was at our wedding.

He turned to me and our eyes locked.

"Quit looking at me," he finally broke the silence before looking back on the road.

I looked in front of me and grabbed on to my seatbelt. "You are too close to that car. You're going to crash into it at the speed you're driving."

He started to speed up even more and I closed my eyes to prepare myself for impact.

I heard a clicking noise and opened my eyes to see him switching lines.

I could see him rolling his eyes from a mile away.

Forgive me for not wanting to crash.

I hated this dress they gave me to wear.

It was a long black dress. I hated long dresses.

I checked the time and fifty minutes had now passed.

I looked down on my diamond ring. I hadn't taken it off since that day.

Sometimes I was this close to taking it off but I couldn't.

The fear of him walking in the wrong time and catching me took over. I was afraid of him and what he would do to me.

I know he was not bluffing when he said he would do something to make the both of us have regret.

I do not know what it was but I do not plan on finding out either.

"Enzo?" I spoke.

He sighed. "What?"

"Is my name in your ring too?"

I needed to know. I needed to make sure this wasn't some sick, male dominance thing he had in his mind.

He took a quick glance at me before looking back to the road. "We are not bringing up this again."

"Please," I begged. "That is all I want to know."

"No Elianna, why would I put your name on my ring?"

Of course he didn't.

I turned myself away from him and looked out the window for the remainder of our drive.

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