Chapter 16 - The Forest

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I sat with my sister. We were alone in our home talking with each other.

“I just think that you would be better off with the know, actually enjoying your time” Kiri said with a sarcastic tone.

I smiled at her comment. “Nah. I enjoy my time with you.”

“Oh please” she shouted, quickly covering her mouth to stop her from yelling any louder. It caught the attention of our siblings and Metkayina kids who were all messing around in the water near us.

I looked to Kiri with a confused look, placing the knife I was using to cut fruit down on the ground.

“as long as Ao’nung is around, you will be plenty happy.” She whispered once she had learnt in close.

“What?” I yelled out. Looking from her out to the group in the water then back to her.

“That.” She pointing to my head. “that right there is what I’m talking about.” She then let out a little laugh as I frantically tried to tell her she was wrong.

“You like Ao’nung don’t you?” She asked after getting me to shut up.

Normally I was a great liar. But I wasn’t even lying. So why was I acting like I was.

Oh shit.

“you do like him” she physically gasped, hand over her mouth and everything. “My baby sister has a crush. Oh this is unbelievable. You havent had a crush since-“

“I don’t have a crush on him” I snapped, trying not to yell.

Kiri tried not to laugh. Her eyes were wide, her lips were thin. She didn’t say a word and instead let me think.

The past week I had spent more time with Ao’nung then I had the rest of the Metkayina kids.

I would be sitting on my own and he would make his way over before his friends were to pull him away.

We would talk about life. About our interests and dislikes.

“Let my guess flying is your interests. Or interest”

“You think I only like to fly?” I asked the boy back, turning to him. He was stood in the shallows of the water while I sat on the sand.

He gave me a nod, turning around to me.

“flying is a big one. But I also like to fight. Hunt. Climb. Draw and carve. And, now, I like to swim and ride Grace”

“you draw?” he asked walking up next to me, dropping to the sand and laying down, making sure to keep his distance.


“What?” he asked back, turning his head in my direction.

“No sly comment about how swimming and riding ilu is now one of my likes?” I asked, looking down to him and resting back on my hands.

“I was going to get there eventually” he replied back in a sarcastic voice, a smile on his face.

A smile on mine.

Ao’nung had kept his promise. He had not once hurt my family intentionally. He had made sarcastic comments and insults, but they were all jokes.

He seemed to have really changed.

I was unsure why he decided to change but I wasn’t going to complain.

“I don’t have a crush on him alright” I said to my sister once she had calmed down. “sure he might be nice now but it doesn’t mean I like him. He is a friend”

What I Didn't See - Ao'nung X Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now