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Ch. 15

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Smelling refreshed and clean, I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, dressed professionally and dapper. I hadn't seen myself in any "business" type clothes since my eighth-grade graduation. Only back then, I had a bow tie and my father's handkerchief in my suit pocket. Now, as I looked at my reflection, eyeing the collar of my blazer, the perfect white glow of my button-up, and the soft glow of lotion on my light brown skin, I grinned. Shit. "Now, this is the face of a genius," I chuckled and stepped out into the living room.

Reggie and Victoria stood in the kitchen, both hovering over his tablet. Her hand gently slid over his shoulder; her head pressed against his. Androids didn't breathe, but to me, their slight movements matched each other's, synchronized.

This was more than them getting close as friends, wasn't it?

I cleared my throat.

They looked at me and Victoria stepped back with a big smile. "Well look at you," she said.

She liked it, of course, she did. She added the shirt. To appease her growing smile, I tugged at the collar of my blazer and slowly spun. "I fit the part, don't I?"

Her hands pressed over her lips as she giggled. Reggie, seemingly intrigued, turned on the kitchen stool and relaxed his arms on his legs. His cybernetic eyes brightened with blue lights, and he smiled. "I believe you look like the teacher humans need."

Well, that wasn't the look I was going for, but it did fit. So, I accepted the compliment and nodded, approaching them. I placed my hand on Reggie's shoulder. "How are you feeling today?" I asked him. It was good to ask, especially after what we saw yesterday. I felt like he needed a reminder that I wasn't like the man outside the store yesterday; I was more like Victoria, loving, caring, and here for him.

"I'm fine," he said. "Vicky gave me a tablet she found in one of the closets. She's teaching me personally."

My brows shot up as I grinned. Is she now?

Reggie smiled at my sudden expression. "Human articles are interesting. I can't find these on my own."

I peered at the open screen. Reading the page's header, a grin widened. I didn't think he was reading the tabloids. His human articles were interesting because they were fake and written for entertainment purposes only. That was why he couldn't find them; they were not government approved. Glancing at him and his curious smile, it was good to know he had a sense of humor.

I looked at Victoria and held out my hand. "Not to rush you, baby, but did you get the files into a drive for me?"

Nodding, she turned toward the counter behind her and opened the top drawer. Her hand slipped into the opening, fingers pulling out a small black device tucked between them. Pressing it into her palm, she closed her hand into a fist, shut the drawer, then turned, facing me, with her arm extended.

I blinked at her hand before I nodded. "Is this everything?" I asked, opening my hand to take what she had.

She nodded, dropping the drive into my palm. "It is every update Lyons has attempted to create since your family was forced out of the company."

Forced was a 'nice' way to say it. But I didn't see anything 'nice' in this evil company.

"All you need to do is find a computer to upload and edit the file, then you should be all set," Victoria added.

I held the drive up in front of my face before closing my fingers around it. It hit me that I'd forgotten about needing a computer. How else was I supposed to edit this? All I was allowed to have so far was a tablet, and now a phone. Neither could help me with my plan.

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