Baby days

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The next morning Ghost and I had been ordering a bunch of baby stuff online. Okay well it was more me who did because his only response was, "Whatever you think is best." I know he's probably still in a bit shock but he's handling everything very well. Soap keeps following me around and talks to the baby in my stomach saying things like, "I'm gonna be your favorite" and "We're gonna have so much fun when you get out of mom's womb." Soap is something else for sure, but he's very excited and that makes me so happy to see. Price just complains about having a mini me walking around, he keeps teasing that we'll be having another pain in the ass, I just laugh it off. I haven't told my father yet, or my best friend, which speaking of my father, he's taking mom back home today. Everything is going good, oddly enough, usually something always drags me down but I feel a relief for once.

I finish ordering the last item which is actually some cute wall décor of plants & cute animals. We haven't done a 3D ultrasound quite yet as it hasn't been that long but we will, same with gender reveal. So for the bedroom we've agreed to do nature theme with cute animals and we're going to have painters come in, they will also paint the ceiling as a sky with birds. I'm preparing a bit early, I can admit, but this is my first time. I was thinking about how many kids I want, I always said at least 2 but I suppose Ghost and I were never that far in the relationship to think about it, but now that we're having a kid it's time to think about it.

I head out into the living room where everyone is playing video games, Ghost is cutting up some fruit for me. I peak in and steal a piece of cantaloupe from the cutting board.

"mm, yummy."

"How are you feeling?"

He pecks me on the lips.

"Good, I got everything ordered."

"That's good, what else do you need to get?"

"Well eventually when time gets a bit closer we'll have to actually go shopping and get supplies rather than the room stuff."

"We can do that."

Soap walked in the kitchen and stole some fruit.

"Man this is for your sister."

"Meh." He pops the grape in his mouth and bends down to my stomach again.

"Who's your favorite uncle? Me!"

I chuckle.

Soap stands back up and looks over at Konig on the couch.

"He got in a small fight last night."


"Yeah, with the bartender."

"I can't lie, it was hilarious." Alejandro interrupted.

"What happened?"

"Konig was drunk as shit and the bartender refused to give him any more drinks as he had one too many."

"Of course." I roll my eyes.

"How's everything going?"

"Good, oh and Soap mom is going to be leaving the hospital today. We, more importantly you should go visit."

"I had already planned on it, I was thinking of getting her some flowers."

"She would like that."

"Anyone wanna go grab some breakfast with me?"

"I'm starving!" Konig shouted

"Well there's that, what about you two?"


"Why not."

"Y/N, Ghost?"

"I have to call these painters and do a few things so I'll pass."

"I'm gonna stay here with her."

"Okay, alright well if you need anything give me a call."

"Alright, have fun you guys." I smile as they leave.

Ghost slides me the bowl of fruit.

"Here my love."

"Thank you."

I take the bowl and enter the living room. I sit down on the couch and snack on the fruit.
Ghost cleans up the kitchen and sits next to me.

"So, I think I am gonna call these painters to see when they can come in and paint. Otherwise than that the only other thing we have to do today is visit my mom and see Lucy."

"Okay hun."

I call the painters and we arrange a time and discuss pricing. After that I get a call from my mom.

"Hey mom!"

"Hi sweetie!"

"Are you home?"

"Yup! Just got here, thought you might wanna come stop by?"

"Of course, Soap is in town by the way."

"He is?!"

"Mhm, he went out to get breakfast with everyone but he will stop by."

"Okay, you're father is off work today as well."

"Do you want me to come over right now?"

"Whenever you feel is best."

"Ghost and I are on our way then, see you there."

"Okay hun, safe drive!"

We hang up.

"Mom is home already, can we go?"

"Of course."

I crawl on top of him and push him down, I lock my lips onto his as he wraps his hand around my next.

"I love you."

"I love you too Y/N."

"I'm really excited to have your baby."

"I'm just as excited."

I kiss him again and get up, I grab his hand as he gets up.

"Okay let's go!"

(I'm trying to write as much as possible for you guys but I am so distracted on another one too LOL. So I am sorry if these next few parts are a bit slow!)

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