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Song of the Chapter: Amelie- Gracie Abrams

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Song of the Chapter: Amelie- Gracie Abrams


The drive to the police station was unusually silent. No one was going to say it aloud but everyone felt like they were in an episode of Scooby Doo. But of course, in a much more serious and emotionally damaging position. It was difficult to describe the thoughts swirling inside each of their heads. Complicated. That's what the situation was.

Morgan carefully studied Sage, who was too busy focusing on the road to notice. She looked a little tense but given the situation it was more than understandable. He inspected her eyes. They were sable brown with subtle rings of hazel and green around them. Her lashes were fairly long. A few lashes had clumped together in the middle. He studied the rest of her facial features. She was pretty, though not in a supermodel way. She was pretty in a classic way. But her looks weren't the only thing he loved about her. He admired how even in the most difficult times she managed to keep her composure even if it was through joking. She kept him calm when he needed it by making him laugh and smile so much that he couldn't help but be instantly happier.

Teenage love is a bit of a funny thing. No other love is like one that is shared between two teenagers. Especially when it is mutual. Everyone else saw them as an odd pairing. Morgan was outgoing but somewhat sensitive while Sage was a little quieter on the outside, but fun and bright person on the inside, especially towards people like Morgan. Towards people she loved.

There weren't many people in her life that Sage held close. Though she wasn't lonely, she didn't have many friends. As she saw it, why keep a bunch of casual friends when you can have only a few incredibly close friends?

At some point during the drive down the mountain, it started to rain. At first it was light. Just a simple pitter-patter on the glass. Soon it got a bit heavier, though not by much. Tap. Tap. Tap. turned into TAP. Tap. TAP. Tap. The farther down the mountain the car went, the heavier the rain grew. Soon TAP. Tap. TAP. Tap. became TAP. TAP. TAP. TAP. Eventually tapping developed into beating and beating developed into striking. The rain went from subtle to so loud no one could ignore it. Not even calm, gentle, humorous Sage.

"That's irritating. I wish it would stop," She thought aloud. No one else said a word, though Morgan nodded. And just as quickly as it had intensified, the rain started to calm. By the time the group reached the station it was just a soft drizzle, barely deserving of an umbrella. Sage felt relieved. Not only was it annoying to hear but she didn't keep umbrellas in her car unless she knew it was likely to rain.

Sage felt a wave of fresh hair hit her the second she exited the vehicle. It was a nice change from the warm, stuffy air in the car. However, despite the change in atmosphere, Sage's anxiety didn't wash away or even calm down a bit. She wasn't exactly expecting it to, but she kind of hoped that it would. But of course, when you're living a nightmare, it's rare to get a break from any sort of intense emotion.

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