Chapter 7

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*Elizabeth's P.O.V*

I finally manage to work up enough courage to turn my head just slightly, glancing at my mother. She never visits, not without some warning beforehand. Damn it, maybe I should start reading her letters.

"Viscount Astley," mother says with a slight nod in their direction and I can't help but frown at that. I was the highest ranking member in the room, should I not be greeted first. Wasn't that how it worked? I was starting to doubt everything I had been taught. I mean I am the queen, surely I should be greeted first. Especially by my own mother!

"Your... your Majesty! What business requires you to grace us with your presence? Last I checked, you were occupied with business at your estates..." Viscount Astley stutters out. I guess I'm not the only one nervous about my mother showing up unexpectedly.

"It's Lady Euphemia now, Lord Astley... especially when the queen is in the same room." My mother corrects him, gesturing over to me without looking at me. She knows that isn't proper etiquette and she knows I know. Is this about me not reading her letters? Is this revenge? Why won't she acknowledge me!?

"I'm sorry for the mix up... old habits die hard, as they say..." Lord Astley says, relaxing slightly before continuing.

"Lady Euphemia, if I knew you would be joining us today, I surely would have brought you a gift... as I was telling your daughter before you arrived, I just got back from this island with these wonderful fruit and they make these most refreshing drinks with them... you just have to try them..." Lord Astley says, seeming to forget himself with my mother's relaxed attitude.

"If I remember correctly, Lord Astley... wasn't it actually Leon who originally told you about that island? If so, I would have to agree... especially Old Lady Wilma's batches. I can only dream about getting another bottle from her... as I'm sure you know..." my mother says with a reminisce look in her eyes.

"Old Lady Wilma's? No... I'm not quite sure who you are talking about, Lady Euphemia... though I do think Leon did suggest that I visit that island, now that you mention it..." Lord Astley says with a dry, awkward chuckle.

"Ah... I'm sure she was just out then. She does make very small batches after all. I'm sure there wasn't any other reason for her to refuse to serve you... after all, she shares a bottle with anyone that shows her and the islanders the proper respect they and their customs deserve..." my mother says, almost nonchalantly.

"Oh, you mean that Old Lady Wilma... I remember now... she apologized for not having a bottle for me because her new batch didn't meet her standards. I didn't know what I was missing so I didn't give it a second thought. Now after your high praise, I really will have to make another visit and try one of her creations for myself." Lord Astley says, sweating slightly. Does my mother know something I don't about this island visit of Lord Astley's?

"I'm sorry, I forget my manners sometimes..." my mother says. Is she finally going to acknowledge me now?

"You asked me a question, didn't you, Lord Astley? What was it again? Ah, why I'm here... to see my daughter, the queen, of course and find out why my letters to her are not being read after my many... many warnings." My mother says in a joyful tone and a smile on her face. The slight shift in attention to me that I caught has me wishing I could disappear from this room. She is not happy with me. I know I was pushing it by not responding to her for so long...

"But that's enough about me... who is this besides you? I didn't realize we were bringing uninvited guests to our meetings with the Queen now..." my mother continues with the same fake facade of happiness. Anyone that knows my mother, knows the games are over and everyone in this room is on very thin ice. For once, I'm glad Lord Astley has her attention. Garrett on the other hand, seems oblivious of the situation as he breaks etiquette to introduce himself over letting Lord Astley do it.

"Your Majesty... Lady Euphemia... my name is Garrett... Garrett Smyth... it is an honor to finally meet you. I am the humble assistant and advisor of Lord Astley here and I would be deeply honored if you would give me just a mom..." Garrett starts to say before being interrupted by Lord Astley clearing his throat.

"I'm very sorry for that, your... Lady Euphemia... he's young. Please forgive his rudeness... I'm sure you know how eager these young people are to impress us... nobles, these days." Lord Astley says, hoping to defuse this situation he is now in.

"Of course... it wasn't my honor and reputation he stepped over to speak first, afterall. Quite the opposite, actually. You said your name was Lord..." my mother says, setting Garrett up to continue in his mistake.

"I'm not a lord... not yet at least, Lady Euphemia. It's just Garrett." Garrett corrects her. Oh... now he really screwed himself over! Is it just me or is there always just something so enjoyable about watching someone else get in trouble?

"Well then... just Garrett... do you know who I am?" My mother asks him, showing some of the annoyance in him that she was hiding previously.

"... Lady Euphemia... the former queen... and the mother of the current queen... you currently help with your..." he starts to say after realizing my mother was waiting for a reply.

"Yes, yes. That's enough. And who is still sitting next to me here?" My mother asks with a gesture towards me. Was it just me or did the way she said still sitting give anyone else the shivers?

"Her... majesty... the queen." He says with a gulp, I think finally understanding the situation he is in.

"Our queen, to be exact. And standing next to you?" My mother asks.

"Lord... Viscount Astley..." Garrett says.

"Good... very good, just Garrett. Now... do tell me, in a room with a Viscount, the former queen, and the current queen who is still sitting... why. Are. You. Speaking?" My mother says letting her anger show for a second before hiding it behind her smile again as she grabs my bell and rings it.

"No... don't answer that. Lena, dear, please let the guards know that Lord Astley and just Garrett will be leaving shortly. You should probably let his driver know too so they will be expecting him. I imagine his trip has been cut short, afterall. Oh, and please bring me my regular." My mother says, never looking to confirm someone even was there in answer to her... my bell.

"I'll see to it at once... my lady." I hear Lena say.

"Thank you, Lena, dear. I can always count on you." My mother tells her. Of course my mother knew she was there... why do I even bother to doubt her?

"Before you leave, just Garrett, I have a confession to make. I knew who you were before you arrived. No, you aren't worth my time... but my daughter is so I looked into you. Turns out you have already tried to work for me... for my husband to be exact but we all know who you were actually aiming for, don't we? He turned you down because he saw through the charade you put on. We never gave you a second thought until I find out our dear friend here decided you were worth introducing to my daughter. That's all you were doing, Viscount Astley, correct? I would hate to find out you brought just Garrett for some other reason and I got in your way." My mother tells them, giving Lord Astley a way out of this situation.

"...y-yes... Yes! I just wanted to introduce them. That is all. I definitely didn't have any other motives in coming here today. In fact, I think we are going to take you up on your offer and leave. I would hate to interrupt your reunion with your daughter, our queen, any longer. After all, it's rare to see you two together like this." Lord Astley says in a hurry, grabbing Garrett arm to force him to follow him out the door.

"One last thing, Viscount... try to pull this stunt again behind our backs and I won't save you from the Duchess. You should know who I mean." My mother says. We both gulp at the thought of her being here instead.

"I'll keep that in mind, my lady." Lord Astley says with a bow, forcing Garrett to bow with him before heading out the door.

At this moment, I kind of wish I could leave too...

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