Chapter 42

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*Elizabeth's P.O.V*

I squirm to try and get down when we finally enter the family bathroom, whining as I push at her chest until she finally sets me down. She has a raised eyebrow, one that shows she's not very happy with me. I squirm slightly from that look, turning my head away so that I don't have to look at her.

The bathroom is thankfully big enough to allow me to get some distance and it just so happened that my feet happened to move towards the door. I mean it was pure coincidence that my feet happened to move in that direction and totally wasn't done on purpose.

"If even one toe of yours leaves this bathroom without me, you will not be getting any dresses today," Mommy warns, making me spin around to face her. I put my arms behind my back, trying to very subtly undo the lock. I was just testing her, wanting to be annoying.

Once I manage to undo the lock, I push the door open slightly. I don't step out the door though, looking her in the eyes.

"Do you enjoy testing me? Because I have no issue taking you back to the carriage and ending this detour," Mommy asks, raising an eyebrow as her eyes narrow slightly. I hesitated to answer, not sure what answer she wanted from me. I could lie, lie and say that I didn't enjoy testing her but that wasn't true.

"A little bit," I finally admit, letting the door shut back into place. I shiver slightly when she moves closer, moving me to the side to lock the door back. I stuck my tongue out at her slightly, squealing when she prods me in the side with her finger.

"Watch yourself Beth, you can test me as much as you want but we both know that you'll regret it as soon as you are actually in trouble. Now, I assume based on how much you were squirming in the carriage that you have to go potty? I'm pretty sure you forgot to go this morning since I never actually saw you use the potty," Mommy asks, making my cheeks flush at her words.

"Mooommyyy," I whine, earning a small chuckle from her.

"What? I know what that squirming means as I've seen it before from you and I didn't realize I still had to remind you to go potty like a big girl. It wouldn't be good if you had an accident, now would it? Then you wouldn't be able to pick out your pretty dresses until mommy found you some new clothes and helped you get all cleaned up. So maybe it's a good thing you are in trainers after all," Mommy points out, a small huff escaping my lips as she pretends this is an actual conversation we should be having.

"Don't...need you to remind me. I know when I have to go potty. And I don't need trainers. They are stupid," I tell Mommy, despite the fact that I hadn't realized until now that I really had to go potty. I squirm past her, turning to look at her.

"G...go," I say, trying not to make it sound like I'm making a demand even though I definitely am making a demand. I mean it was just a small demand though so she shouldn't be mad.

"Excuse me?" Mommy says, one of her hands resting on her hip as she looks at me. Before I realize and can stop myself, I stomp my foot and watch as she steps closer. Gulping, I try again but a lot more carefully this time...

"G...get out please, want privacy," I request, trying to make my tone less demandy so that she doesn't get mad at me.

"If you insist, I will give you the privacy you want, Beth. I know that you're a big girl and don't want Mommy in the bathroom with you. The door stays unlocked though," Mommy says as she unlocks the door, stepping out of the bathroom. I am a step behind her, carefully locking the door once she steps out very sneakily. I smile in triumph, happy that I had gotten my way. Sure it was a little bit childish to be happy about something like this but I was just happy to have my way on this trip for once.

I carefully pull my dress up, pulling the ridiculous trainers down as I do so. I was definitely going to get rid of them as soon as I got my dresses, that way I didn't have to deal with any more embarrassment from Mommy treating me like a baby. I debate even just getting rid of them now but the thought of going commando while trying on dresses immediately shuts that idea down. I hurry to use the bathroom, trying to hurry up so that Mommy doesn't get impatient and check the door. I carefully wash my hands, not caring about the water I get on my sleeves. It wasn't my fault that the stupid sleeves were hard to pull up, it was mommy's! It mostly definitely had to be her fault for not being here to help me.

I dry my hands as best as I can, making sure to do it semi right so that Mommy can't scold me for that too. I smile as I unlock the door, stepping out of the bathroom and nearly running into mommy. I flinch slightly, having not planned on her being so close.

"Beth...your sleeves," Mommy sighs when she sees my wet sleeves, making me want to tuck them behind my back. I actually try to do just that but she grabs one of my arms before I could do that, carefully rolling it up. I stand still, letting her repeat the process with the other one.

"I tried not to get them wet, it's not my fault," I whisper as she straightens up, twisting my hands together as I glance at her. Mommy sighs as she takes my hand, tugging me along to follow her. We re-enter the bathroom to my surprise and she actually puts me in timeout!

"I told you not to lock the door, young lady! Now you get to stand there until I'm done going potty!" Mommy says with a light smack to my bottom so I know she is serious!

I made the mistake of testing mommy after she gave me a warning smack one time when I was younger and I swore I could still feel the spanking she gave me an entire week later! That's why I don't dare move from my spot in timeout, even though it feels like mommy takes forever to finish going potty!

When I finally hear her flush and the water running, I start counting in my head and I swear mommy did it on purpose because she cleaned her hands for way too long!

Eventually she comes and gets me though, and I walk slightly behind her as we leave. I blush as there is another mommy with her two children waiting for their turn, who just smiles down at me as mommy pauses to hold the door open as she has her hands full. She thanks mommy and enters, commenting how cute I am to mommy, making me blush even further!

I force mommy to quickly leave after that but end up trailing her once again as I'm looking around, a bit curious about all the different shops. Mommy lets me, as long as I actually keep a hold of her hand. I smile slightly, getting a little distracted and nearly falling.

"What are you looking at?" Mommy asks after saving me, making me shake my head since I didn't want to explain what had captured my attention.

"Is nothing," I say nervously, squeezing her hand slightly from old habits as I try to start walking in front of her and lead her along so that she has no idea that I had just been eyeballing a very pretty doll that I desperately wanted.

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