Determined Promise

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After the battle, the others are in the house resting and recovering after the battle of Bête and some rescuing people from the Pink Blobs. Toriel is tending Asgore's wounds after he save a boy from being taken by the pink blob by taking the hit. Glitch is showing sparring with Murder on how to fight melee style. Murder is instructing Glitch on fighting, all while he parry every attempt to land a single hit made by Glitch. After the barrage of attacks, Murder did a sweep and use a Trident in the same fashion as Asgore. Glitch jump back and look each other and glairing with determined look.

Needless to say, Glitch is having trouble handling Murder who is more skilled than him. Murder sigh as he spoke out.

"Try to find footing and find back up ones in case someone tries to attack your legs."

Glitch sigh as he spoke out.

"Well, it is easier said it than done. I am too slow compared to you."

Murder sigh as he spoke out.

"Even that is true, just try harder. I learn that the hard way and you probably know that."

Glitch nodded as he summons a makeshifts bone sword to attack Murder with it. Glitch did a Blue-Slash, and it is heading straight towards Murder. Murder response by doing his own Pink-Slash at the blue one and it went through it, forcing Glitch to dodge out of the way. After that is done, Murder decided to rush at Glitch who just barley block the attack. Then Glitch did a kick, but Murder block it and throw a punch in which Glitch avoid it. After that, Murder then did a grapple and slam Glitch into the ground. After that is done, their sparring stop and finished their training. Undyne saw this, decides to chat in as she spoke out.

"Wow, I never knew that you were this good at Melee combats."

Murder then spoke out.

"I been training in melee ever since I gain both the Spears and the Trident, and you and Asgore teach me in ways in fighting. It is critical to Bête's downfall and death. And on top of that, the threat of the multiverse that other people from different universes that wants me dead or ruin my home. So, I continue my training in order to deal with those things."

Undyne understands that Murder did this in order it protect his home from outside forces. Murder looks at Glitch as he spoke out.

"How is your soul? and how is Frisk?"

Glitch sigh as he spoke out.

"Well, my soul, thanks to your actions, my magic is fill with DETERMINATION and has been growing ever since."

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