Burntale and its story

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Elize is shown to be very happy with Murder, as if she had a brother she never got. Murder on the other hand, is glad he manages to make Elize smile after earlier when she told him as Omen. He then turns only greeted with Ink who is looking at behind. Murder was confused as he spoke out to his artistic friend.

"Ink, what is wrong buddy, is there something behind us?"

Ink then turn and assures that it is ok, though his eyes said a different story. Murder and Elize then look at Ink with concerns on their faces as Murder spoke out.

"Dude, what happened to your eyes? Since when it was just purple dots? Last time I check, isn't it supposed to shape when its response to be green and yellow, along with swirls?"

Ink's Eyes are purple dots without him realize it.

Ink was confused until make a mirrored from his ink

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Ink was confused until make a mirrored from his ink. He sees that Murder is right, his eyes are in fact, purple, a poison color in that. Ink then shook it off and force the purple eyes off of his eyes by closing off the voices within his head. Ink sigh as he spoke out.

"Heh, nothing wrong, just hearing voices that I think I should not worry guys, hehe..."

Murder sigh as he spoke out.

"That would not explain the eyes, Elize."

Elize sense the area and sure enough, something isn't right, but luckily that the spell is preventing them from taking it too far, instead influencing someone weak. Elize sigh as she realizes this as she spoke out.

"Well, Ink is not wrong, there are voices, entities that likely trying to manipulate our weaker group, more specifically, Ink."

She then turns to Ink with her Persian Greenish Eyes, once that were wonder even after she was born and have in her characteristic nature to find new discoveries, then spoke out while those eyes are glowing.

"Well, since you can't do shit to those compared to us, and the Pentagram of Bastet is not here, I don't think that you be lasted this long, Ink."

Ink was nervous until Murder puts his hand onto Ink's back and spoke out.

"Don't worry, we will not let those things happened to you. Besides, you may be weak by comparison, that doesn't mean you are actually weak. You have the power of creation on your hands, you can survive anything, just need to be creative about it."

Ink smile at all of them as he spoke out.

"Heh, thanks you two, is that I am not in danger or anything, just wondering on what it is."

Murder and Elize nodded as both agree. Elize sigh as she spoke out.

"Well, now that is out of the way, how is about time I told all of you, my story."

She began to stand up, remove her robes and stretch her body, as time being seated really cram her. Her sleek and slender body shows that Elize is exercising, and any man and woman want her. Her breast is just in the right amount, not too big to the point that is dominated, and not too small to the point that is nonexistent, exactly around C cup. Her waist and hips are also just a right amount as her round chest. Her strapless and flowering crop top who it shows her belly, is tight enough that an athlete can wear during swimming or gymnastics. Murder and Ink look at each other as they know that not even human, nor monster deny her. Luckily for the both of them, Murder views her differently than just looks or sex, and Ink is neglecting a particular vile that makes him very horny as crap. Even Elize notice both are not drooling for her, which she is glad for, since she is tired of basically everyone wanting her and her body, both man and woman. Elize sigh as she spoke out.

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