Chapter 1

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"Amelia!!, don't wonder off too far" Mia's mother said to her but the little girl was happy, she had no worries. The little cookies her mother broke for her she munched down on it slowly jumping and playing down the hallways.
Her little feet twinkling with every steps, she was on cloud nine. Her mother was the chief cook for the servants in the castle. She get to eat off anything she wished. Her mother always made her participate in little chores, like going for an errand for her. She went with glee because her rewards were always mouth watering.

Her hair bounced by her side, she had a little piece of the cookies left. In her happy or hyper state, she found a door open. A larger magnificent metal door. She had the itching to check it out. She was little and was always in the safe haven of her mother's arms. She didn't know the world she leaved in. She was unaware of the creatures at night. Her mother did tell her stories, but she only considered them as bedtime stories to scare her off into sleeping in her mothers arm and not wandering off too far.

She stepped into the room. It was as big and dark, for a little girl, Mia wasn't scared of the dark. She hide when she heard footsteps. Thinking it's her mother she quickly ran over to the bed stand and hid beside the side table. She and her mum usually play hide and seek when she's about to take her bathe.

She placed her hand over her mouth and stifled a laughter. Giggles erupted from her chest. She shut her eyes. She peered her eyes open slowly to come face to face with a glowing red eyes and white fangs.

She was supposed to be scared but she was fascinated, she's never seen anything like this before. She reached out with her little hands and felt the body of the creature that presided such glamorous view.
Skin cold as ice, eyes red like her blood. She remembered when she had a cut, the red liquid that left her body was exactly this creature's color of eyes.
'His teeth is different from mine'. She thought.

Her hands caressed the creature's face, she stood to her feet, but the creature was still taller than her.

"Your skin's cold like a frozen meat. Are you okay?" She asked with her little tiny voice. Her hand never left his face.
"You look okey since you tried to scare me. Who are you?" She asked.

"I am Lord Alexandra, I am a vampire" Lord Alexandra said to scare her but the girl laughed hard.
"Oooohh I'm afraid" she mocked.

The Vampire Lord was surprised by this. Every child he has come across with cries out in fear, infant included not that he cares or anything but the thought that someone will react differently to him never crossed his mind.

"Who are you?" He asked somewhat pissed.
"I'm Amelia Edward" she replied.
"And how old?" He asked
"I'm six!" She shouted showing him six fingers and smiling.
He did not expect what she said next "and how old are you my Lord?".

She added his title, she has always heard her mother using that title and so she decided to try it.

"It is mannerless to ask a high lord of his life time on earth" he said to her.
"But you inquired of mine" she retorted.

Lord Alexandra simply stood to his feet ignoring her, she gasped when she took in his height. He walked over to the door and held it open for her to walk out but she did not get the memo.

"Get out, go to your guardian"  lord Alexandra said. He wondered who her guardian was to let her wonder off in a vampire infested palace. 'Humans are always so foolish' he thought.
She scoffed "where you not taught manners, what an imprudent gentleman" .

Lord Alexandra was beyond shock, she spoke to him so formally and with no respect. He couldn't kill a little girl, not that he couldn't, it's his kingdom, he just didn't want to. He felt like it wasn't called for. He closed the door and went to his desk. She sat in front of him. The lamp from the light luminous on her face. He feigned seriousness the girl mirroring his face trying to decipher what it is he was scribbling away with such face. When she couldn't quite make out what he was doing she stared at him instead.

"You're very ugly" she said.

Lord Alexandra halt on his writing, he raised his face slowly and stared at the six year old in front of him. She was the first person to describe or call him 'ugly'. He chuckled because his darkest desires were to pull her head off her body. He threw his right hand before her on the table and dragged his nails slowly on the wooden table cause a screeching noise. She covered her ears and looked at him like he were mad. He was approaching her slowly.

His door opened to his second in command, Nicole. He walked inside and immediately stopped when he saw the little human girl.
"Ummm...Alexandra" he called slowly.
"What is a human girl doing in your room and are you about to feed from her?" Nicole asked surprised.

The Vampire lord scoffed. "I found her in my room and she bluntly refused to leave".

"And you decided to eat her?".

She climbed down from the chair and walked round it. Nicole squat in front of her.
"How did you get in?" He asked her gently.
"I found..the" she said and pointed to the metal door wobbling on her feet.
"Where is mummy"
She sniffed "do not know"
Nicole sent forth his hand, she took it hesitantly. He stood to his feet and said "let us go in search for mummy, okay ?".
She nodded, she let go his hand and ran to where she hid and picked up the remaining of her cookies. She rejoined him and said "ready".

When they were close to the door she turned to the vampire lord and said " goodbye my Lord" then she bowed.

'So she does have manners' he thought and chuckled then stopped abruptly when he realized himself.

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