Chapter 2

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Lord Alexandra walked out of the balcony. He was king of the northern empire his position brought many adversaries he need not show weakness. Feelings and emotions were far from his dictionary or vocabulary.
He stood at the back of the balcony, he was waiting for his second in command, as his eyes wandered it landed on a pair of beautiful ocean eyes. Amelia. She looked up at him and smiled the most sun warming smile. His face was stoic as usual. But his heart had an unusual beat just for a moment.

"Mum! Look the vampire Lord" she called her mum, Beatrix doesn't need no other word than vampire' before she sprang out. She fell on her knees and held her daughter begging the vampire lord for mercy.
The little girl looked to her mother on the ground and to the vampire lord up in his balcony. She wore a confused expression staring at the lord, she felt fear from her mother.

"Please my lord I am most sorry.... She is only a child...". Beatrix stuttered trying to form coherent words, she was already in tears his expression not one bit lifted.

His attention turned when his second in command called him. He walked away with him. He did not mind the petty business of a lowly human but in the depth of his heart, even though he didn't acknowledge it, the little girls expression tugged at his heart faintly. He had business with the council to attend to.

Beatrix dragged her daughter. "Now you listen to me young lady!! Stay away from vampire especially the vampire lord".
Amelia was shocked she has never seen her mother that mad. She was shocked. "I am sorry mother".
"Do not do that!! ever!" she said and hugged her daughter. She did not know that it was just the beginning of a friendship.
The little girl had planned to listen to her mother, she did not want to cause her mother more ache but destiny had something else installed for her.

Lord Alexandra sat in his room, part of him had expected the child to show up in his room the other just knew that there was no way that girl will show up in his room again not after what she saw and not to add the fact that her mother would reprimand her.
His mind drifted to his meeting at the court, the attack on his empire were slowly increasing, it was little but he isn't one to ignore small. He thought of all the dark things he'll do to the vampire thinking he can ruin his empire.
In his solitude moment he heard faint heart beats, it was the little girl she was at his door. He walked to the door and pulled it open. Good thing he had discharged the guards that stood by the door, he can't have rumors flying that the vampire lord is beginning to get constant visits from a little human girl. That will only prove to his enemies that he's getting weaker.

She stared at him, her blue eyes piercing into his. She was trying to understand his behavior, to check if he's dangerous. As usual his face was expressionless. She made her way into the room, he closed the door behind her, when he turned to her he found her smiling, the smile reached her whole face.
She watched him walk over to his chair behind the large wooden table where they were files piled on it.

They sat in silence before the girl opened her mouth and asked him " why was my mother terrified?".
He looked at her and muttered "because I'm the vampire lord, and that is how you should act around me".

"You should avoid me child, I'm dangerous" he added "people fear me" he warned.
She tilt her head to a side in a thinking manner. She left his bed and moved to his side. "Do you want me to fear you?" She asked staring deep into his eyes.

The Vampire lord was quiet. The girl broke into a fit of laughter "Joking". She ran to his bed and hopped on it bouncing on it continuously. It was big compared to the one she and her mother slept on, it was soft and inviting. She laid down on the bed giggling, she spread her hand and legs wide opening and closing them while laughing.
She got distracted when the moonlight found their way through the curtains and landed graciously on her face. It's beauty was alluring. She proceeded the window with no speed, she was taking her time there. When she reached, she gently tugged at the curtain drapes, her hands couldn't reach so she hastily went to the lord for help.

He sluggishly stood up although it was characterized by speed but he didn't want to stand up, when he reached there he gently drew the curtain. The window was large so he didn't need to open both side. He was about the leave when the girl grabbed him by his index finger bringing him back to his spot.

"Don't leave" she said. "Look it is beautiful" she said awed.

He stood back but she didn't let go his finger. Despite the amount of light that the moon casted on the earth the stars light did not deem. It in fact created a perfectly scenery. Amelia thought of ways to let the Lord by her side see this but she could not, she could not put them to words. Her hold on him tightened a little bit, when he looked down at her, she beamed with joy and smiled gently. She could not say the words to the vampire lord beside but he did feel it in his heart.
They turned back and looked at the scene getting lost in it, not Alexandra though, he was distracted by an unknown object or person.

A gentle knock came on the door. They both turned and stared.
"Speak" lord Alexandra commanded.

"Lady Cynthia seeks your presence my Lord".

"You may leave, I will be down in a short while" the vampire lord spoke.
He looked to the girl and she gently let go his finger. Without a glance he walked to the door, the girl stared at him, he opened the door and stepped out. Silence fell after the door shut on his way out. She continued on her business. The door flew open again, the little girl turned almost immediately and saw the vampire lord peek his head just enough for the her to see him. "Be safe" he said.

When he arrived he saw Cynthia, one of his many female friend in the past. She usually flung herself on him despite all the sign that he's not interested.
"I have written to you many times my Lord?, but you never write back" she said gleefully finally setting her eyes in him.

"I am a lord Cynthia does that not account anything to you". He said not one bit interested in her.

"My father is a lord in your court also, he at least has times for leisure activities".

He ignored her chitchat and asked her "why are you here?".

"Oh my lord, how ever can you forget. It's the annual ball. Tell me do you have a new friend?" She asked.

Lord Alexandra immediately remembered about the ball, the one thing he wasn't looking forward to, it's in two weeks and she'll be on his case till then. Oh yeah he did forget and he did have a friend but not  in the way she spoke and he preferred the little girl company to hers.
"Welcome Cynthia, I shall have a servant prepare your room" he said to her and started on the stairs.

"While I wait for my room do you think I can entertain you?" She asked romancing his arm.

He pushed her hand away "I wish to retire to my chambers alone Cynthia, I do not need any form of entertainment from you".

When he got to the next floor of the stairs he stopped and turned to her "I believe you have had a very long journey, why don't you rest" he said and disappeared into the stairs.

When he arrived  in his room he found the little girl asleep, he picked her up and ran down to the servants quarters, they were few humans in the room, he waited till they were gone and gently placed the girl on one of the beds.
"The sky's pretty right?" She asked in her sleep state.  The question tugging in her heart since. He chuckled lightly and muttered "it is dear" and vanished from the room before anyone could see him.

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