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Chapter 6: Safeguarding Secrets

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"Have you lost your mind? I will not—"

"And that is exactly why we have to plan our next steps carefully," Godric cut off his brother once again. Kenric tilted his head slightly in confusion as Godric continued. "Our relations with King Alfred are not the best. So we cannot turn down his proposal without a valid reason."

"What do you suggest we do, then?" Kenric asked, finally calming down.

"I am still trying to figure that out," Godric sighed. "Maybe you can treat her terribly while she is here? Be someone that she does not wish to get tied down to. No loving father would marry her daughter off to a man who does not respect her, even one as lousy as Alfred. Especially when said woman is a princess."

"Maybe," Kenric muttered. "Can't I just say that I do not wish to get married? That I am a soldier who has sworn his life to the sword?"

"As honorable as that sounds, I do not think this would be a good enough excuse to say no to a marriage proposal as important as this," Godric replied. "Our best bet to nip the matter in the bud is if Princess Eleanor rejects the proposal instead of you."

"That could work," Kenric nodded. "Unless it pisses off King Alfred that I treated his precious daughter like shit."

"He is going to be pissed regardless. All we have to do is find a way in which his anger is as less as possible," Godric added. "His heir is coming too, we need to make sure that at least he likes us. And also show him a taste of how strong our kingdom is."

"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" Kenric asked with a smirk, making Godric nod.

"We shall host a tournament before the ball," Godric stated. "Jousting, fencing, archery... whatever all you see fit."

Kenric smiled at the thought of an archery tournament. Archie could participate in that, and Kenric did not doubt that the entire kingdom would be in awe of his skills just the way the prince was. He would, of course, not force the stable boy to take part, considering he knew how shy Archie could be at times, so he could only hope that his lover would be interested.

"It is on short notice," Kenric licked his lower lip, his brain already working to figure out all the logistics, "but I shall get it done. I think it would be a good idea to keep the tournament open to the citizens, too. And not just knights or nobles."

"I see," Godric hummed. "Sure. Jousting shall be just for the knights, but the other competitions can be open for all."

"Understood," Kenric agreed. "This will be fun. The people will love it, too."

"I hope so, but do not forget why we are doing this," Godric reminded his younger brother. "Make sure the princess does not fall head over heels for you, all right? Otherwise, I just might have to marry you off."

"Over my dead body," Kenric grunted, causing the king to let out a light laugh. He knew Godric was making a mere joke, but that did not take away from the seriousness of the situation.

Kenric would, indeed, rather die than marry a woman and subject not one, but three people to a loveless and torturous life. If he did not have Archie, then he had no one. Worst case scenario, he would simply run away with Archie.

But Kenric could not do that, not while his brother was still cursed.

Kenric ran a hand through his hair, exhaling deeply as he pondered about how fucked up all of this was. With a forbidden love, a dying brother, and the threat of an unhinged neighbor with an army— Kenric had his plate full. Not just full, but overloaded.

As much as Kenric wanted to be with Archie, at the moment he needed some space and time to plan out his next moves. The ball was soon, and he barely had time to organize the tournament. He would have to start instructing the servants to arrange everything the moment the sun rises.

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