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Chapter 30: Lonely Crown

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"Good morning, my love," Kenric whispered, leaning forward to press a soft kiss against Archie's lips. The stable boy hummed, his eyes still shut as he shifted towards the prince.

They snuck back to Archie's room after a long conversation at the river and spent the night in each other's arms. Both of them needed the comfort that only the other could provide them. It was the only brightness in what felt like the darkest of days.

"Morning," Archie muttered, nestling his head in the crook of Kenric's neck as he pressed his body as close as humanly possible to his lover. Kenric ran his fingers through Archie's hair, which had gotten longer.

"It has been a while since you cut your hair," Kenric spoke.

"A while, yes," Archie hummed, his voice still barely audible. "Still not as long as yours."

"You would have to grow it for quite some time if you want it to be as long as mine," Kenric chuckled. "Besides, you look handsome with short hair."

"Are you saying I do not look handsome right now?" Archie asked, finally opening his eyes just to glare at the prince. Kenric grinned, pecking the stable boy once again before speaking.

"You always look handsome, Your Highness," Kenric said. "The most breathtaking man in the entire Kingdom."

"Some would argue and say that the title belongs to you," Archie retorted. "You are the heartthrob, not me. The most eligible bachelor of all the lands."

"I am not a bachelor though, am I? Now that I have you," Kenric replied.

"Good," Archie smiled. "Because I am not afraid to fight a bitch for you."

"Is that so?" Kenric could not help but laugh at the other man's cheekiness. "That is not what you were saying when you thought I was smitten by the neighboring princess. You were so selflessly ready to marry me off to her."

"That was before. This is now," Archie stated. "You are mine. And anybody that tries to take you away...well, they will have to grow through me."

"Huh," Kenric hummed. "I cannot say that I do not like this new side of you."

"I am still the same ol' me," Archie said.

"You are. But you are just a tad bit more sure of yourself now. More confident," Kenric spoke. "And I'd say it is a rather attractive look on you."

"I suppose I have a new perspective on things now," Archie admitted.

"What might that be?" Kenric asked.

"Everything that has happened makes me feel like life has led me to you. That you and I are meant to be. You are the best thing in my life, Ken, your love keeps me going and I will do everything in my power to safeguard what we have, no matter what it takes," Archie finished.

"Only last night you were considering this love to be a weakness," Kenric retorted.

"Sure, loving someone so deeply means having something to lose. But it also means that I have something to protect. It gives me a reason to stay strong and to fight," Archie said. "I would sooner lose myself than lose you."

"Oh, my love..."

Kenric did not know what to say. He should have been happy about Archie's confession, but a part of him was scared too. Now that there was a chance of Archie literally losing himself, more precisely his soul or at least a part of it, these were not just words. It was a very real possibility.

"You should leave soon if you do not wish to be found here, the sun is about to rise," Archie pointed out. Kenric nodded, knowing that the man was right. The last thing he wanted to do was leave him, but he had no other option. "Will you visit me again tonight?"

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