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The six members of Monster Mash were wearing skin-tight Velcro-tailored suits, which were very easy to remove for the final show. All of them were hanging out with the fans while Egor prepared the stage for the grand finale.

Jade couldn't believe that these guys had written that song that was playing in the background on loop.

Say I’m not a wo-o-orth it
I do not care what you say
You won't say you're so-o-orry
I don’t care anyway
Say your nonsense, I am stronger.
Stronger than you think I am!
Thought we could be friends, but you're sick.
Go ahead, bro! You can suck my...
Suck it, suck it!
You can suck my...
Suck it, suck it!
You can suck my...

To Jade’s left, Draco was lip-syncing and dancing on top of the bar counter while several girls cheered, including herself.

"We love you, Draco!" Jade yelled as she twirled to the music and giggled, throwing her arms around.

Draco took a water dispenser and began to drench everyone, and they all screamed, laughed, clapped, and cheered until their bodies ached and tears ran down their cheeks.

Jade was still dancing and laughing as Draco kept spinning on the bar with a hand in his hair, moving his hips like a stripper.

"I gave my best, but failed your test," Draco was lip-syncing his part, and Jade kept wondering who the boys wrote that for, "You don’t care? Then, I don’t care. Swear that my success will be my revenge!"

Frank was dancing too, having made his way around the place to the dance floor, and Finn was just watching the scene with a smile on a stool.

It was such an unusual sight.

"We wrote that song after finding out that the finale of The Idol Academy was rigged." Zeth said, his warm arms snaking from behind to wrap her around her waist.

"Yes. I heard Monster Boys and Super Mash were eliminated despite the votes," Jade said, happy to be in Zeth's arms, "It was quite a scandal."

"Hey, Jade!" Alex said, beckoning with a finger to the dancefloor, "Come dance! You too, Zeth!"

Zeth looked at Jade before she nodded, and soon both joined Alex.

"You got something to tell her?" Alex asked Zeth, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"We'll talk about the contract for Jade to be our girlfriend later," Zeth said, and she gave him a funny look, "What?"

"I thought I would just be your girlfriend," she replied.

"Well, I told you that it's one for all and all for one," Zeth winked. "Let's talk later. We came to have fun!"

"I guess I'll have to wait," she said with a sigh.

"You won't regret it," Alex bit his lip and looked her up and down as if he desired her. "You're going to have several boyfriends all to yourself, girl."

"Sounds like fun, right?" Zeth asked.

"Sure," Jade replied. "Whatever that means."

The music was too loud, and while everyone was dancing and enjoying themselves, there was one person who wasn't: Finn.

He was sitting alone at the bar with his head resting on his hand, and every so often he lifted it to see Draco fooling around or to see if anyone had noticed that he didn't seem to be enjoying himself.

Draco hopped down from the bar and bowed to thank the crowd, and Finn sighed.

"You okay, Finn?" Draco asked him, coming over with a pitcher full of water that he'd gotten from somewhere. Finn took a long gulp, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and looked at the vampire. He was smiling genuinely as usual, but Finn's fake smile didn't reach his eyes.

MY SIX BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now