Chapter 24 - Imperceptible Feelings

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Chapter 24

Imperceptible Feelings

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After that day, you couldn't get that kiss out of your head. Even after getting all better, this stupid kiss just wouldn't leave you alone.

You were going around in circles of awkwardness around them, all while Barbie acted like it was simply nothing.

This never happened when you were with Ken. Ken's kiss never this.

His kiss felt more youthful. It felt innocent, like a teenager's first kiss. It didn't feel forced or overwhelming. It was simply a sweet kiss.

But hers wasn't.

Hers felt she had been yearning for this for ages. Like she could engulf you whole if she wasn't careful enough. It felt like she was trying to cage you up with this simple kiss. It was overwhelming but soft; forceful but loving; rough but considerate.

Her kiss was heavenly. It was so endearing that you couldn't help but want more. Every time you'd see her, all you could think about was her soft lips on yours.

That was why you started ignoring her. You didn't know what was wrong with you, but she was definitely the problem.

You knew them, and you knew they knew you better than anyone else. This kiss wasn't just something out of the blue. She wanted this to happen. She wanted you to feel this way.

Barbie never acted impulsively. She always meticulously planned things before actually doing them, and her plans never failed. Everything she did had a reason, and so did her words.

When she noticed your change of behaviour, she quickly changed her tactic and asked you to go shopping with her. Some real shopping, not some tricks like before. Knowing how obsessed you were with those things, you agreed to her request foolishly. Like a bug flying straight to a blinding light.

"Do you like it?"

Barbie held the tenth pink blouse that she'd found in the store. She didn't seem to care about the style; as long as it was pink, she liked it.

"Isn't this the same as the other ones?" You motioned to the pile of pink clothes beside you.

"No, of course not," she tossed the blouse in the pile before browsing some more new clothes. "This is Fuscia, baby pink, pink pearl, hot pink, China pink, Valentine, soft pin-"

"Okay, okay, I get it."

You looked around you, sighing at all of the clothes in different shades of pink. The obsession with pink was starting to get annoying. No, scratch that-it was always annoying.

You kind of regretted not asking Midge where she got those grey clothes that she lent you. It would've at least saved you from having to wear pink too.

"Is there no other shop that sells anything other than pink?"

"You could check out the Kens' clothing store if you want," she pointed at the shop that was on the opposite side of the street, "but I'd prefer you shopping here. Pink looks better on you anyway.

'Pink looked better on you.'

It was a compliment-a simple, plain compliment. It didn't mean anything. You shouldn't overthink it.

"It does?"

She held a light pink dress in front of you before nodding.

"Of course, pink looks good on everybody. Especially on you."

This didn't mean anything. It didn't. It didn't mean anything at all.

"It should've been your colour only." she kept her eyes on the dress, holding it in front of you to see if it'd fit you. "You were clearly made for pink."

Gosh, you just couldn't stop thinking about it now.

She gave an approving nod at the dress before walking out to the cashier, all while you stayed glued to your position, unable to say anything.

It was a good thing she hadn't look at you before going to the cashier. If not, she would have noticed how red your ears had gotten and how sweaty your palms were.

It didn't take a genius to understand what was happening to you now.

It was obvious. Too obvious.

You could've just published it to the whole world, and it would've been the same. That's how obvious it was.

Did that kiss yesterday fry your brain? If not, why would you ever act like that just because of a compliment?

You had never felt like that when she had praised you before. You didn't need to feel anything because her actions never felt loving to you.

But now everything had changed.

Weirdly enough, everything she did for you felt warm. Every time she'd brush against you or praise you without any second thought, it'd send shivers all over your body. Your ears would turn bloodshot red every time she'd call your name, and your head just wouldn't shut up about how pretty her voice would sound.

"-quelle? Raquelle?"

And here it was again.


You turned around only to be met with Barbie, who was walking towards you with Ken tailing behind her, hands loaded with shopping bags.

"I have been calling for you for hours," she said before talking your hand into hers and pulling you along with her. "We have to quickly go home to prepare dinner."

"Why?" You asked nervously as you felt the palm of the hand she was holding get all sweaty.

"We are having some guests tonight," she said, turning to give you a sweet smile. "My friends said they'd like to meet you."

Again, you couldn't help but look away. You retracted your hands from her before giving her a simple 'okay' and following her home mindlessly.

You should've known then that nothing was simple with them. You should've known that it was simply impossible to love her normally-to love them.

𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 & 𝐆𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now