Chapter 29 - Our Last Longing

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Chapter 29

Our Last Longing

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"I'm not doing that anymore!" You screamed annoyingly as you sat on the ground from falling for the fifth time, "I want to go home."

"Come on, Raquelle." Alan tried to get you up, but you snatched your arm away from him.

"I said no!"

He didn't scream or yell at you; instead, a small sigh left his lips before he went to stand in front of you with an extended hand.

"Okay," he smiled gently at you, pulling you up from the ground before dusting your dress that had gotten all dirty from all the times you'd fallen. "Let's go get something to eat."

He put one of your arms around his shoulder and one of his hands around your waist to stabilise you. When he found a place where you could sit safely without falling, he put you down and removed your roller skates, putting your usual shoes back on.

The way he was looking after you made your heart skip a beat. It was sweet. A little too sweet.

"What do you want to eat?" He looked up at you, still crouched down to his feet.

"I don't know," you shrugged, looking at anywhere but him.

"How about some ice cream?" He smiled gently. "It's hot today; an ice cream would be great, don't you think so?"

"Yeah, sure."

You nodded lightly, standing up when he did, and followed him to the ice cream truck. It reminded you of when Allan and you went to the beach together.

It was one of those few moments with him that you remembered the most. You remembered his smile, the way he'd laugh, and that one time he'd become shining red in the sun-no seriously, this was the funniest memory you had of him.

"What flavour do you want?" He turned to you.


It's been a while since you've last eaten ice cream. Especially chocolate ice cream. The last time you remembered eating was when Ken and Barbie were with you. What an awful memory.

Alan handed you your ice cream, and you both walked back to the car. He had ordered a plain vanilla one for him. Something that suited him a lot. You didn't know why, but it just did.

"I had fun," he said, looking down at you with a warm smile. "Thank you for coming with me."

"I should be the one thanking you," You replied softly, "You did much more than help me back then. You gave me a chance to get out of that place, and that means much more to me than you would think."

He didn't say anything; instead, he nodded and gave you the warmest smile you could ever think of before opening the door of the car for you to enter.

You finished your last piece of ice-cream and entered the car, thanking him for opening the door. It wasn't everyday that you had someone this caring. It was a little embarrassing to have him do things that people usually don't do for you. It was even more embarrassing to feel like nobody had ever done this for you.

The drive back to the mansion was long and tedious. You didn't want to go back there, but you needed to. You didn't want to feel like you'd be caged up again, but still, you needed to go back. If not, you don't know what they would do to you or anybody else. You were simply praying that nobody was home yet and that, for once, they'd still be out with Midge.

"Is something wrong?" Alan glanced over at you, noticing your frowning face.

"No, just thinking about things." You shrugged, looking over at him. "Are you going back today?"

That question seemed like it was blurted out of nowhere. You didn't know where or when you thought about it, but it simply got out of your mouth unknowingly.

"Yeah," he replied gently, his face still glued to the road. "Midge said I needed to pick her up."

"...and when are you coming back?" You looked away from him, trying to hide your disappointment.

"I don't know," he said truthfully. "I'll have to see with her."


No words other than that were uttered. It felt like the more you talked, the heavier your chest would feel.

You didn't want to let him go. Not yet.

You still wanted to spend some time with him, to at least get to know him better once again.

When the car stopped, you didn't get out immediately; instead, you wanted for him to get out, then you followed him to the house.

He didn't enter, nor did he ask to enter. He simply stood in front of the door with his once again pitiful smile, which seemed like it was looking at a lost animal.

"Can't you stay a little longer?" You mumbled under your breath, trying to get at least some words out of your mouth.

He hesitated before letting out a small 'no'. His smile seemed far away, and his eyes were looking down at you like he had done or said something wrong.

"I'll visit again," he said quietly, like he too couldn't get the words out of his mouth. "I promise."

You nodded your head, looking away from him so you wouldn't cry again. You wanted to hug him; you truly did, but you were scared he would think of it as too much.

He stood there for a few seconds in silence before bending down a little and giving you a light but warm hug. His hands were wrapped around your waist, and you couldn't help but cling onto him as if he'd disappear if you'd let go.

"Don't forget me." You mumbled in his shirt, hugging him tightly, "I won't forgive you if you do."

He chuckled before nodding his head a little. The hug lasted for a few more seconds, mostly because you didn't want to let go, and when he truly backed away, you couldn't help but feel your heart shatter.

He gave you one last squeeze and broke off the hug. He was ready to leave. He was really going to leave once again, and you wouldn't see him again.

You couldn't do anything. You wanted to hold onto him, to keep him with you forever, but you couldn't.

You were feeling desperate-so immensely desperate that you did the one thing you would regret your whole life.

You kissed him.

You held his face in your hands and gave him a long, deep kiss. One that said, 'Please stay with me; don't leave,' One that could have lasted forever, if not for Alan getting yanked back forcibly from you.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 & 𝐆𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now