Chapter 31.

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Hazel became busy within a week because of her shooting, she also had an interview with 'The Timeless' magazine five days ago where they will be the cover to endorse a new Belle femme product and now is the day that she's been waiting for the most. They were again called to go to Mrs. Carmen's company to look at the sample product of the magazine before it will be released nationwide.
When she entered the conference room she immediately saw Neli, she smiled at her when their eyes met. She was excited to see her reaction when she read her article.

The staff from 'The Timeless' magazine gives the copy to them, and according to the staff, they can check the content and tell if there are any missing or mistakes about their article so they can immediately remove or replace it.

Hazel was upset when she saw that only Neli's face was on the cover of the magazine, but she calmed herself down first because that's not what she wants to see because the article about her is more important.

She immediately looked for the page where the article about her was, but after looking through the entire magazine, she still didn't see it.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" Hazel's blood immediately boiled with anger when she couldn't find her article. "What is this nonsense?!"

"Is there something wrong, Ms. Hazel?!" the staff asked her.

"Everything is wrong!" she said angrily as she threw the magazine on the table. "The cover, the photos and why there's no article about me here?!"

"Ahhh..." the staff couldn't answer.

"I held an interview with your damn editor, show me where it is!" she said. "Such unprofessional, show it to me now, you moron!"

"Ms. Hazel, everything we put in the magazine was approved by your management." the staff explained.

Hazel was stunned by what the staff said, does that mean that their management informed the magazine to delete her article, but why? That was her chance to let people know what her relationship was with Caleb and the Valdez family.

She immediately stood up to go to Mrs. Carmen's office, she needs to know what her employee did to her. How dare they remove her article in the magazine.

"What... in the world is that noise!" she heard Mrs. Carmen said angrily when she suddenly entered her office.

"I'm sorry Madam." Hazel heard her assistant apologize.

"Auntie, I have something--." she immediately felt a chill in her body when she saw Mrs. Carmen's sharp look at her. "I..."

"Nicole, you can go outside." after her assistant came out, she saw that she put down her pen on the table and removed the eyeglasses she was wearing. "Now, tell me why you rush to my office and come inside without my permission."

"I... Auntie about my article... someone deleted my article in the magazine." she said to her. "...and I know Neli is the one who planned it, she wants to sabotage me."

Tears immediately fell in her eyes, she knew that Mrs. Carmen would believe her immediately, especially when she saw her crying. She needs to blame Neli so that she can win the sympathy of Mrs. Carmen, and brought her back as Belle femme ambassador. This will be her revenge on Neli for embarrassing her in their photoshoot.

But a few minutes have passed, her tears have almost dried but Mrs. Carmen still didn't approach her. When she turned to her, her whole body stiffened like cold water was poured on her when she saw the disappointment in her eyes.


"Ms. Hazel, I told them not to put your article in the magazine and Neli had nothing to do with what happened."

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