2. Abhay Comes To Banaras

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(Satyam Shivam Sundaram...)


After coming home from the temple, Kashi started serving breakfast on the table, when her Baba said to her,
'Kashi, your uncle and my friend is coming today', Anand ji said while sitting on his chair.

'Really! Uncle is coming, then i will take a half day leave from school and will cook his favourite food for him", she said being extremely excited while serving breakfast.

Anand ji almost mumbled, 'See, It started again, now she will cook things of her choice throughout the day, but when it comes to me, it's just once in a week! Not fair enough.'
Seeing him mumbling like this, she asked, 'What are you mumbling to yourself?'

'Nothing ',
'Ok now, have your breakfast', saying that she pulled the chair and sat down.

Both had their breakfast together and then left for their work. Kashi came to the school and after speaking to the principal, took leave for the half day and also asked Shalani to take leave.

Anand Ji, came to the ashram and got it cleaned...
Although the ashram never used to remain dirty, as it used to get cleaned three times a day.

Anand ji told Dubey ji while keeping the things properly, 'Dubey ji, children's exam is about to take place, you have made all the preparations, haven't you?.
'Yes, the paper is yet to come sir, rest everything else is done.'

'How are preparations are going on for the annual festival, are the children being taught?'.

Dubey ji gave him the list of those to whom the cards had been sent, saying, 'Yes Sir, Kashi is doing it and cards have been distributed to all.'

Kashi took leave from her school and came to home with Shalini and started preparing the dishes. Just then there was a knock on the door. Shalini went to open the door, the unfamiliar man standing in front of the door, asked her ' Ji Is Kashi Ji here?'.

'You sit here, I will call her', saying this, Shalini made him sit in the guest room and went to Kashi, 'Someone has come to meet you, you go, I will handle it', saying this, she took a spatula and started making the puris.

Kashi came out after washing her hands and saw the same man standing there who had come yesterday for the land. Seeing him she angrily said, 'I already told you.. that I don't want to give the land, then why do you keep coming again and again.'

'Mam, my boss wants to meet you once, he will come here tomorrow or tonight, you just meet him once, please mam, otherwise I will lose my job.'

Kashi a gave a second thought to what the person just said and agreed to meet his boss after two days. After she agreed, the man immediately left.

Kashi went back to kitchen. Shalini saw her coming and asked her, 'Who was he?'.
'Oh nothing', saying this, both of them got back to work.

It was evening time of the day when both of them were done with their work. As it was already late evening, so, Shalini went to her home.

Kashi also went to her room upstairs. After entering her room, she quickly changed into some comfy clothes and called her father, coming downstairs. 'Baba where are you? Uncle has also not come yet?

'Hey my princess, look here and see, I already came a long time ago', listening to Rajendra's voice on the phone, she turned back, and saw Rajendra ji and Anand ji were standing at the entrance.

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