Chapter 141-142

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Translator: dapotaturs

Release Date: 09/26/2023

Chapter 141: Su Bai's Lecture & Response

Su Bai's lecture on the topic Exploring Coaching Approaches in Athletics Training had garnered enthusiastic sign-ups from coaches in various provinces and even within the national team. When it finally began, there were nearly 200 attendees.

The lecture took place in the largest conference room used by the national team, usually reserved for pre-winter training sessions or major event briefings.

Today, the audience consisted of coaches instead of athletes. Coaches from different regions saw some familiar faces among their peers. After bumping into each other, they formed small groups and began discussing the 'legends' surrounding Su Bai.

"I heard Coach Su has an incredible eye for talent and can predict who will succeed."

"I heard Coach Su has amazing coaching techniques, and all of his athletes follow his lead without question."

"I heard Coach Su is a multi-discipline expert; there's no athletics event he doesn't understand."

"I heard Coach Su has three heads and six arms..."

"I heard Coach Su can see through an athlete's potential with a single glance..."

As this group of athletics coaches chatted, the stories about Su Bai became increasingly exaggerated. They all shared a good laugh, knowing that these stories had a kernel of truth to them. After all, they had witnessed the transformation of the 400m sprint event over the past year under Su Bai's guidance.

In just over a year, Su Bai had taken a struggling 400m sprint event in China and turned it into something remarkable. Everyone in the room was well aware of the dramatic change.

Take the recent Asian Championships, for example. In the past couple of years, Zhang Ziyi probably wouldn't even have made it to the finals, let alone win a gold medal. People who understand the sport know that the difference between then and now isn't simply explained by Zhang Ziyi being younger and less experienced a few years ago.

The gap between then and now was truly vast.

Now, let's talk about Li Junhao. Before Su Bai took over, many coaches in the circle couldn't help but comment on it – they had a promising talent like Li Junhao, but it seemed like they were about to ruin him.

During that time, anyone who knew Wang Ting could tell how much he had aged due to the stress of trying to fix Li Junhao's mentality.

Yet, under Su Bai's guidance, he managed to turn Li Junhao around. While we still don't know how he's performing in his individual events, just looking at his role in the 4x400m relay, it's fair to say that he's even more reliable in the anchor leg than Qiu Wen.

Speaking of Qiu Wen, he used to train in the 100m and 200m events in the S Province Athletics Team. Who could have imagined that he had such talent for the 400m sprint event?

In fact, coaches from various provincial teams started secretly observing their own athletes after learning about Qiu Wen's situation. They wanted to see if there were any similar cases in their teams.

They did find some promising athletes with potential, but none of these coaches were willing or confident enough to make the hard decision of switching an athlete from their original event, one they had trained in for seven or eight years or even longer, to start from scratch in a different discipline.

These coaches knew that in this world, there were more ordinary athletes than exceptional ones. These athletes had more talent than the average person, but not enough to reach the top national or world levels.

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