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Almost a hour passed and finally Shen Sinian woke up.

" Good morning, princess. Have you slept well?" Chiyuki said, rising her eyes from the book she was reading during the wait.

“Uh, where am I? How did I end up here? And why are you here too?”

"In the infirmary, thank Bai Tao for that. I took you here when you fainted.
You really don't remember anything?"

"My mind is all fuzzy right now. My memories are so...confused."

Sinian tried to sit up, groaning in pain.

"Hey, hey, go easy, you are injured." the girl hurriedly said, making him lie down again .

"But I have to go, there are the lessons-"

"The lessons can wait, you have to rest. Resting will help you recover."

" But-"

"No buts. Stay there and rest."

Shen Sinian let out a  resigned sigh.

The room fell into silence which felt very uncomfortable for the male alpha, so he tried to make a conversation:

"What are you reading?"

"Pride and prejudice"


*awkward silence*

"Do you like this book?"

"Well, yes, otherwise I wouldn't be reading it."

*awkward silence*

"Uhm...Why are you still here?

" I took you here, so you're my responsibility. I'll leave when you'll feel better."

*awkward silence*

"How long have I been here? "

"Almost a hour"

*awkward silence*

(Author: Poor Shen Sinian, he's trying so hard but without success.)

"And..Why did you help me?"


"Why did you help me?"

"You were passed out, I couldn't leave you there."

"No, I mean before, during the match. I… noticed how you deflected all the balls thrown by Bai Tao towards me. We were so ahead in the match that even if they had scored points with all those shots, our team would have won anyway, so...why did you do it?

Chiyuki closed her book to give her full attention to the conversation.

In the novel Shen Sinian was described as a person who seemed cold as ice and completely "unwavering"/" "indestructible " to the insults and meanness of others, but in reality that was all a mask, a wall that he had built over all those years, trying not to show how broken he was inside;

A boy with an almost absent mother who changed boyfriend every month and the next was always worst than the previous one; 

A teen who suffered years of abuse and who was completely alone, without anyway to lean on; even his childhood friend, Lin Lily a popular A omega stayed with him as less as possible to avoid further mistreating him out of jealousy from others;

It was because of this, that, in the original story, as soon as Bai Tao showed him a little bit of kindness, he was attracted to her like a fly to honey and he developed an irrational emotional dependence (because something like that could not be defined as love) for her which however was not satisfied because the protagonist didn't care much about him.

Chiyuki's heart ached thinking to all the  grievances her favorite character suffered, and blamed the original author for giving him such a pitiful life.

She knew all these things, so how could she continue to pretend to be blind while he walks the "path of hell"?

Could she really stand by while he suffered like this?

Or maybe she could try to do something?

Maybe she could change his fate, maybe she could help him and prevent him from falling in Bai Tao's arms...

She wasn't sure it would work, but she could try anyway.

She knew that she was only a side character, that she previously decided to avoid completed the plot and the main characters, but she couldn't leave Shen Sinian to his pitiful destiny.

Also, she knew that hindering the protagonist was dangerous but in the end she wasn't defenceless, she had a strong and wealthy background (much more than Bai Tao's) with connections all over the world (unlike Bai Tao's family who was restricted to a little portion of China), so she could at least try.

After all who wouldn't save his favorite fictional character from his destiny if given the chance?


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