4: Hi! By the way, you're supposed to be dead!

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Nico's pov:

The figure walks towards me, footsteps echoing in the dark warehouse. He wore a red mask that covered his whole head, and a dark gray suit with a red bird symbol on his chest. "What are you doing here?" He asked threateningly.

I did a quick soul search and immediately knew what was off with him. He was supposed to be dead. Well, he was dead at some point in his life. Like, not alive. But somehow he was alive. But his situation couldn't be like Hazel's, because he had no godly relations. Odd.

Red Hood's Pov:

The kid had a ton of dark hair and crazy pale skin. I had no clue skin could be that pale.... Shadows covered his face so I couldn't see his eyes. Suddenly the shadows slipped out of his face and cold dark eyes stared straight into mine unblinkingly, and a creepy smile slowly spread across his face. But what truly shocked me about the young kid was what he said next:

"Your dead." He smiles innocently.

I flinch at the sentence. How does he know? Only the Batfam knew about this. And Alfred. You can never hide ANYTHING from Alfred. Hmmm... i better take him to Batman to find out how he knows that. 

"You are coming with me, kid." I say coldly.

"Don't call me kid. I have a name. It's Nico." He replied.

"Follow me, before i make you." 

He grunts. "Not like i have anything better to do." (Oooh snap! Nico just pulled a Persassy!)

(Time skip brought to you by Anitolers-da-stinker.)

Nico's Pov:

The person who had 'captured' me i had figured out was the anti-hero who called himself 'Red Hood'. It's extremely guessable why to because he, well, wears a red hood. He had put a blindfold on me, then started walking me to what he had called the 'Bat Cave'. I had no idea why its called that at the time.

Soon we arrived there and he tied me to a chair, and took off the blindfold. There were a bunch of bats flying around the cave, so I guess that explains the name. There was a huge computer too, which was an odd thing to have in the cave, but okay.

Red Hood stood in front of me, trying to look intimidating. Pffft. I survived Tartarus. Twice. There was no way he was scaring me.

"So. Kid. Where are your parents?" The dude in the suit asks.

Tell him we are dead. Your mom and sister died in a fire, and I died shortly after from inhaling too much smoke. You are seven and your birth day is January 28th. Hades tells me in my head, giving me a massive headache. Do not tell him you are a Demigod, wait for him and the others to find out. Also if he asks, my name is John. It sound weird i know, but deal with it. And with that, Hades's voice was gone, preventing me from passing out.

"Hey. Kid. You okay? Your eyes just glazed over and also that happened." Red Hood points to my nose, which was now oozing a steady flow of blood.

"Can i go? I hate being tied up to a chair. Also the unresponsiveness and bloody nose thing happens every now and then. I'm fine. NOW LET ME GO!! I screech angrily. And with that Echo hops out of my backpack that was right next to the chair. "No echo DO NOT DO IT." I say sternly. Echo looked disappointed that he couldn't size up and crush every bone in the body of this annoying mortal. I quickly slipped one hand out of the rope before wiping away the blood that was above my lip. Then i slipped my hand back into the rope.

"Who did you take hostage this time, Red?" A sigh came out of the darkness as an older boy walked out with black hair and a blue domino mask, and a black vigilante suit with a blue bird symbol on. "Oh COME ON RED! A seven year old!? Why the HECK would you tie a SEVEN-YEAR-OLD to a CHAIR!" The new guy shouted at Red Hood. 

Red walked up to the new guy and whispered in his ear. The new guy looks shocked. "How?" He asks.

"I DON'T KNOW!" Red Hood exploded. "I WENT INTO A WAREHOUSE LOOKING FOR CRIME, AND I RAN INTO THAT LITTLE FREAK OVER THERE!" He shouts and points at me. I wince at the word freak and the new guy's eyebrows raise. The shadow start to crawl towards me but i force them back to their normal positions.

Shoot. He noticed me wince. He turns and whispers something into Red's ear. Or where i suppose his ear is. Red nodded excitedly then whispered something back, something that was probably mean, and then got slapped on the back of the head by the new guy.

Time skip yet again!!!

They had put a blindfold on me driven me somewhere. We soon arrived at a building with a sign out side I'm not sure what it said, blame the dyslexia.

"Here we are. The Gotham Orphanage." Red Hood says happily. "Have fun kid!"he quickly dragged the other guy who i found out was Nightwing, and pushed him into the car and drove away.

Great. Now i am at an orphanage. Well, I guess Hades said to find a family, so this is the best way to do it.... I slowly walk into the open door of the building. A grumpy looking woman with gray hair stood up from behind the front counter.

"Ahh, yes Nico di Angelo. Nightwing had alerted me you would be coming here. Your room is on the second floor, number 204. You will be with two other boys, Jake and Billy. They're twins and are both around 12yrs old." 

A short time skippy called Bob.

I finally found my room and went into it. Uhg. I had to socialize. I unwillingly open the door to see two boys having a heated argument over why Batman was better than Superman. Stupid idiots. The room looked acceptable with two bunk beds and a desk, a window in one corned and some clothes on the floor.

"Hey. You must be the new kid. My name is Billy!" Billy had blonde hair and brown eyes and an uneven grin. The kid next to him who must be his brother Jake had blonde hair and light blue eyes, that kind of reminded me of Will. Gosh i miss Will. I will need to IM him soon. (IM stands for Iris Message."

I nod tiredly. "Yeah. Well, I'm going to set my stuff down and go to bed. I walk over to the unclaimed bunk and  pulled the blankets to the side. What i saw under the covers should have scared any person in the right mind, but i am not normal. I look at the giant spider and pick it up.

"Am I supposed to be scared of this?" After seeing Nyx's Mansion of Night this was nothing. "A tarantula?" I throw it at the boys and climb into the lower bunk, not taking off my shoes. The twins looked shocked the prank didn't work, and expression that the Stoll brothers would get if one of their pranks failed. The spider climbed up Jakes arm onto his shoulder and sat there.

"Mew?" Echo walked out of my bag and curled up on my back as i drifted to sleep.

That was the 4th chapter!! I hope you enjoyed my Minions!! Love you all!! ❤️                                    


Nico di Angelo Meets The Batfam (SPOILERS FOR 'THE SUN AND THE STAR'!!)Where stories live. Discover now