20: Pinecone Face

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Nico's Pov"

"NICO!" Thalia screams as she walks into the room. "You. Scared. Me. So. Bad. You just randomly disappeared! Right after my brother died! I can't lose my cousin, too!" She shouts at me.

"Umm... sorry?" I ask.

"Pffftt. Why are you so small?!" She snorts.

"Uhh... your dad decided to have something fun to watch. Now I'm seven." I say, bored. She glares at the sky and sticks up her middle finger. Thunder rumbled in response. She snorts, and looks at me. But before she can say anything, Damian interrupted.

"Who are you!?" He snaps.

"Thalia Grace. Death Boy's cousin." She grinned and gave me and ruffled my hair.

"I wouldn't do that, Pinecone Face." I growl.

"Sure, Death Breath."

"Can it, Twig Arms."

"Whatever you say, Neeks."

I just growl at her. The boys looked shocked at what happened just a second ago. "You get to call Nico names, but not us?!" Jason says angrily.

"Of course. Our living corpse over here is in debt to me."

"Am not."

"Hell, you are!" 

I flinch, and Thalia sent me an apologetic glance. The boys looked even more confused. Then Jason stood up. "Well, I'm Jason, obviously the most handsome one here. Are you single?" He says smugly. 

"Ohhhh, you are DEAD." I whistle.

"I know I'm dead." Jason says.

"No. You are about to be dead. Again."

Thalia walked up to him. Then slapped him, and walked back to me. "Yeesh." Jason says as he rubs his face.

"Go kiss a brick, idiot." Thalia hisses. I snort.

"What's so funny?" Asks Jason.

"Well...." Thalia says, snickering. "The other Jason, my brother, was in love with a brick. Not actually, but a bunch of kids threw a brick at him and it hit him in the face. It's happened multiple times too. Now you know the story of Brason." She said grinning.

Jason Todd looked surprised. "Soooo... I flirted with a hot girl, and instead i got shipped with a BRICK?!" He grumbled. Damian snickers.

"Anyways...." Thalia says, glaring at me. "Why didn't you tell me he died?! HOW DID IT HAPPEN." She hissed at me. "And don't use the stupid mortals as an excuse. I know you will tell me, the others refused to but i. Know. You. Will." I feel my face pale. I was probably whiter than snow now.

"Umm.... So, you know that one day when I couldn't function?" I ask.

"So any day?" Asked Damian plainly. I glare at him. Thalia nods.

"Well... that was because I sensed Jason's death. I'm sorry i didn't tell you. And before you ask, yes it was him, it said Jason Grace. I didn't tell you, because I didn't want to talk to anyone about  it." I say nervously.

"And how did he die?" She looks at me, worry in her bright blue eyes.

"Emperor Caligula. He stabbed him through the chest, right through the heart, twice. He died a noble death saving Apollo, Meg, and Piper. Zeus was proud. He is now in Elysium. He is doing good." I say, looking at the floor guiltily.

Thalia started to tear up. Wow. Thalia was not one you see crying often. I leaned forwards and gave her a hug. "I know i had the same reaction. Only, i felt the pain of his death." I say, rubbing her back. She sniffled.

"Sorry to ruin the moment, but... i thought you said he was murdered. With a knife. Not a deceased Roman Emperor." Tim says.

"The Emperor came back. Gaea opened the Doors of Death, and the Emperors escaped. Her brother, Jason Grace was one of the many Roman soldiers to be killed by the Emperors. 

"Roman soldiers? Doors of Death? Caligula? Can you please explain this?!" Shouts Jason.

"Umm.... Thalia.... Can you leave so i can tell these-," i take a breath in and pull my best Zeus voice. "'Insignificant mortals'." Thalia burst out laughing. 

"You sound EXACTLY like Thunder Pants! TEACH ME YOUR WAYS, GREMLIN." She snorts.

"Gremlin. That's a good one." Jason grins.

"Pfft. You're so childish Todd." Damian huffs.

"You'd better believe it, demon spawn. Or should i say... gremlin 2.0?" He grins even bigger.

'Gremlin 2.0' lunged at Jason, and soon the two were wrestling, with Tim and Thalia cheering them on, and Dick trying to separate them.

"Well i'd better get explaining before the doofus's tear each other up." I say. Thalia nods.

"IM me later and tell me how it goes." She says as she walks out the door.

I turn around to face the boys. "What do you guys know about Greek and Roman mythology?" I ask.

Baby chapter, i know. Just a little fill in for the next chapter! Things are getting interesting! Love you, my Minions!❤️


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