Hit the road Zane!

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Diamond's P.O.V
Keeping up on the updates on Zane, I tell my sister and brother-in law everything. I get a call from the lab stating they have a clue on where Zane could be, rushing to my sisters house letting her know I will be gone for a while looking for Zane. "No I don't want you to get hurt  he's cunning and evil !" Mia cries out in terror "I'll be ok don't worry its not just me going out on this hunt I have trained and have skilled trackers,hackers,and assassins myself being one of them we got this." I assure her looking her in the eyes "we are gonna catch that asshole I promise" I nod, Mia doing the same soon after. Leaving the house I hear my phone go off. It's a call from the lab "diamond be on the look out he's near your location"  my eyes narrow in anger "gotcha you ugly bastard." Hanging up the call I run back inside to see I'm too late my eyes fill with tears at the note that was left on the table. "You and your little lab thought you had things figured out what fools to think I wouldn't be back to finish the job." its signed with his despicable name with a ps on it reading "Also the little shit survived I'm here to correct that" I sink to the floor in despair in this empty house knowing that the family I would do anything for is now in danger, who do I go to? Who do I tell?

Noah's P.O.V
Ive been disassociated for the last hour not understanding how we got taken it was so quick guys in black surrounded us the moment aunty Dia walked out the door not to mention the ass in front of me who did nothing but watched. Tired of playing it safe the words left my mouth before I realized it. "So is this a hobby of you and your little bunch attacking random family's who have nothing to do with you?" I'm ignored as we pull into the drive of our destination Mom begins to growl deep in her chest as they begin to reach for me to pull me out of the car. my dads eyes are unrecognizable like his master nature has completely tanked to empty like he's lost hope of freedom. "Dad!" The tall man with no mask on his face drags me behind him by my arm grip way too tight to break free from,I hear a scream from behind me and we stop in our tracks. The man before me becomes agitated with the actions of one of his guards and how rough he was being with my mom "what part of don't hurt them did you idiots not understand!?" He releases the tight grip he has on my arm. His eyes snap to me "stay." The words ground out with malice I don't think that works on me but the fear of this man had me rooted to the floor; walking away the man in blue takes my mothers throat in his hands "shut the growls up before I kill your little bundle of joy over there." Pointing to me in a tone which held not a threat but a promise, my mothers growls cease my dad has been completely subdued I see his hazy eyes and beg for him to snap out of what is happening to him as I see the state of both parents my mind breaks unable to take the stress and My regression happens my hair bright orange grows out quickly  as well as my eyes burning in a bright orange hue. I cry no longer able to speak or support my body on my big boy legs. The nearest daddy comes to attempt to calm me not knowing how unstable my little space is. He speaks in a soft soothing voice to stop the tears. "Hey shhh its alright little one its ok my name is Caleb I'm gonna pick you up ok?" Unable to fight nor respond I'm picked up against my will. Being in a daddy's arms is meant to sooth a little so no matter the Dom your little side will most times be soothed by them cradling you close unluckily for them my screams only get stronger and louder the man in blue realizes im the commotion, stomping his way over to me he slaps me to shut me up instantly and forcibly removing me  from little space. My mother breaks free of her restrictions and lunges at the man in blue. "Zane you evil bastard!" She gets two good hits in before she is completely sedated by the men dressed in black "MOM!" My father"s condition only seems to be getting worse his eyes are completely unfocused and he seems unable to fight just like mom but its like they poisoned  him as well my dad has a green hue to him like he's sick the last thing I remember is watching my father drop to the ground before everything goes black.

Welcome back to Daddy's Unstable Prince! Thank you for your patience.❤️
BW out.✌️🏾

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