I Can't

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Noah's P.O.V
getting home from the store has been stressful I feel like I wanna go into little space but I can't quite slip I'm gettin scared and it's just making this worse my mom looks back at me sees my tears and asks my father to pull over. He does as asked of him and my mother climbs In the back seat she lays her head on my chest letting her eyes change and her wolf tail and ears pop out, ever since I was a child I would always sit on her lap and ask her to change her eyes so I could stare into them to my hearts content seeing her eyes shift made it so I slipped just a little bit further into little space effectively causeing me to cry for a paci mom pops one in and lays her head back down eyes still very bright blue, staring into my moms eyes makes me happy and nothing but giggling noises come out , my mother's ears perk up and my hands automatically go into her hair causing her to shiver and nuzzle me. Hearing my giggles made my mother and father very happy  " honey little neo is giggling its so cute!" She coos with her tail thumping on the seat. We arrive home a nothing but food is on my mind I try to express my hunger with words nothing but whimpers come out I try again a few times only to get the same result getting frustrated I begin to cry successfully startling my parents. The longer they sit there with baffled faces the louder my cries get causing them to rush me in the house aunt diamond on their heels diamond comes into my vision stern look on her face " neo use your words mister." My crying stops as the only thing in my mind right now is the look on diamonds face I begin to bawl again not quite understanding what I did causing diamonds face to get softer.

Diamonds P.O.V
forgetting that Noah wasn't quite used to this I accidentally used my mommy voice and made him cry realizing my mistake I quickly pick him up and cradle him to my chest and rock back and forth calming his little space "dia?" "Yes baby boy?" "Nom noms?" I set him in his high chair and make him some peaches and cream oatmeal. He finishes his oatmeal of course making a mess in the process "come on little peaches bath time." Picking him I carry him to the bathroom he begins to wiggle in my Arms almost causing me to drop him I tap him on the thighs telling him to stop before he gets a time out he stills and lets me fill the bath with lavender bubbles, letting him play for a bit I sit on the toilet and think. After getting him in his footies and his paci he still doesn't handle little space and is starting to come out of it "your out of little space aren't you." He nods his head but he doesn't get down he only sets his head on my shoulder.

Noah's P.O.V
I set my head down not wanting to be put down put also not feeling so little anymore not knowing what to do I nuzzle aunt dia and asked to be set down in bed so I can wake up and hopefully get some rest and try and figure this out in the morning but for now I rest my  head and dream of nothing but puppies.

Hello dear pups and littles I'm am sooo sorry for not updating I was gone for a month and it takes me a while to make a chapter perfect in my opinion so sorry for the wait but here's a small chapter to satisfy your cravings just until I finish the next chapter love you all for the support not many comments but that's ok BW out 🐾

Daddy's Unstable Prince *W.I.P*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant