Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Fahayra broke down in tears as she admitted to serious problems in her marriage with Joe while visiting her sister, Catya.

She only revealed what had been happening when Catya noticed that Joe was blowing up her phone about her whereabouts.

"After fifteen years of marriage, it's exhausting having to pretend things are good in public when there are so many issues in my private life. I cheated on Joe and it is like a switch went off in his head and he's acting crazy," Fahayra told Catya.

Catya was shocked. She couldn't believe that Fahayra had cheated on Joe. She always thought they were so happy and in love with each other.

"What?! You cheated! What the fuck, Fahayra. How could you do that to him? How long was this going on?" Catya asked Fahayra.

"It was about five months. I was just so unhappy, Catya," Fahayra answered.

"What are you going to do? Does he want a divorce? Are you guys staying together?" Catya asked her.

"I don't know what's going to happen at this point," Fahayra admitted. "I do know that our issues are serious and have to be resolved," She added.

Catya gives her sister a look.

"Honestly, I hope Joe leaves your ass because that's fucked up what you did, Fahayra. That's a good man who you've cheated on. He gives you everything. He is always going above and beyond for you and your children. How the hell do you even have time to cheat with nine kids? Who was it anyways?" Catya asked.

"It wasn't hard. Duke... My affair was with Duke," Fahayra answered.

Catya covered her face with her hands as she was shocked that Fahayra would cheat on Joe with Duke out of all people.

"Bitch, that was too close to home. You a low-down dirty hoe. Joe is going to kill him," Catya said.

Duke wasn't a family friend but he had been around enough that he was a familiar face in their circle.

Catya was truly disgusted.

"I don't even know what to say, Fahayra. What the hell?!" Catya exclaimed.

Fahayra lowered her head in shame.

"I know, I apologized to Joe, I honestly don't know if he'll forgive me but he doesn't want a divorce so that's a good start for us to rebuild our relationship," Fahayra said.

"He doesn't even trust you right now. I don't see him wanting to rebuild anything until he knows you won't step out again on him, Fahayra," Catya said.

"I think he'll learn to trust me again... I hope," Fahayra said, clearly unsure.

Catya shakes her head.

"You have to be completely honest with him. You need to re-earn his trust and repair the damage you caused," Catya said.

Fahayra nods.

"What can I do to make him forgive and trust me again?" Fahayra asked her sister.

Catya sighed.

"Because you cheated, you are in the doghouse, and you will remain there until you repair the trust between you two. Tell the truth. Don't keep secrets. Additionally, you will need to be patient. You cannot rebuild relationship trust overnight. For the most part, you need to just sit there and listen. To the end. Usually, that is what Joe wants. Don't get defensive. Don't try to explain your actions. Just listen. That said, Joe may at times want to argue. But you will sit there and listen, try to feel and express empathy for Joe. When you are rebuilding trust and seeking forgiveness, actions speak louder than words. You can say a thousand times that you're sorry and how much you love him. But after dealing with all your lies and secrets, Joe will find it hard to believe those words. This means that your actions need to back you up. So, instead of telling Joe you care, show it. And show up for him no matter what. If you say you'll do something, you do it. You do this even when it doesn't seem important—because when you're trying to heal your relationship, the little things go a long way," Catya explained to Fahayra.

"Thank you, Catya, for listening and your advice. But please don't tell anyone about this. Joe and I want to keep it private," Fahayra said.

Catya nods.

"Oh girl, I won't tell a soul because I know the group would eat you up for cheating on Joe," Catya said with a frown as she knew the group would destroy Fahayra for what she did to Joe.

Fahayra let out a bitter chuckle.

"Tear my ass up for it," Fahayra said.

Fahayra's phone started ringing again. Fahayra looked down at the phone and saw Joe's name on the screen.

"I have to go, I've been out for too long. He probably thinks I'm with Duke," Fahayra said.

"Have you seen Duke since Joe found out?" Catya asked Fahayra.

Fahayra shakes her head no.

"Nope, deleted and blocked him on everything. Joe beat his ass then sent some of his cousins to finish the job. Honestly, I wanted to end things sooner with Duke but he..." Fahayra paused, not sure if she wanted to reveal what was going on with Duke and her.

Cathay raised an eyebrow.

"What? Fahayra tell me what stopped you from ending things with Duke?" Catya asked her.

Fahayra gives in and decides to tell Catya the truth.

"He secretly recorded us having us and threatened to release it if I didn't continue to sleep with him," Fahayra told Catya.

"What?!?!" Catya exclaimed as she placed a hand over her chest. "For long was this going on?" She asked.

Honestly, after the first month of sleeping with Duke. Fahayra wanted to end things because she felt so guilty and she revealed she loves Joe more than anything so when she went to end things with Duke. He showed her the sex tape and Fahayra knew she was stuck. She didn't even know she was being recorded and there was no way she was going to tell Joe because he would kill Duke and she didn't want him going to prison for her mistake.

"Four out of the five months of the affair," Fahayra answered.

Fahayra's phone started ringing again. Fahayra looked down at the phone. It was Joe again. Catya looked at her phone and grabbed it, answering the call.

"Hey, Joe, it's Catya, Yeah, She is here with me but there is something you need to know," Catya said.

Fahayra tried to grab the phone. There was no way she was letting Catya tell Joe about the blackmail.

"Catya, no," Fahayra said as Catya dodged her attempt to grab the phone from her.

"What is it?" Joe asked Catya.

"Duke is blackmailing Fahayra," Catya told Joe.

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