Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Today, Fahayra was officially seven weeks pregnant and Joe immediately took her to ARCpoint Labs of Fort Myers to get non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for DNA testing during pregnancy.

"If this baby isn't mine, Fahayra, things are going to be different between us," Joe tells her.

"What does that mean?" Fahayra asked him.

"That means I'm going to get my lick back. I might even bring you along and make you watch me fuck whoever," Joe explained to her.

Fahayra doesn't say anything she knows she deserves it. She did him wrong. He had lost all respect for her so she couldn't be upset if he went out and fuck other women.

"This baby is yours and you can do whatever you want just as long as you forgive me, Joe," She said.

"So, you would be okay watching me sleep with whoever just as long as I forgive you?" He asked.

Fahayra nods.

"Yes, do whatever you want. You could even fuck one of my sisters and I wouldn't be upset because I know how badly I fucked up with you. I was being selfish and I didn't think about you or our family when I cheated so do whatever you want, Joe," She answered.

Joe stares at her.

"I wouldn't even do that to you. I can't even do it if I wanted to because that's how loyal I am to you, Fahayra," Joe said.

Even if Fahayra gave Joe permission to have a hall pass and sleep with whoever he wanted he wouldn't do it because of how much he loves and respects her. But Joe was starting to see he may be more in love with her than her being in love with him.

A technician calls them to the back where blood is drawn from Fahayra since fetal DNA (DNA from the baby) floats freely in the mother's blood, the lab then builds a DNA profile for the unborn child using the collected sample. While a cheek swab is collected from Joe.

The technician lets them know they'll get the results in two to ten business days.

After they leave ARCpoint Labs, Joe takes Fahayra to lunch where he questions her about her family's secrets. Fahayra decides to reveal every secret her family has to Joe in hopes that will help him trust her again.

"So, Eva is Thairys' daughter, not her cousin, wow, that's crazy," Joe said.

"Yeah, no one wants to acknowledge that Thairys was molested so they pretend that Eva is our cousin. I tried for years to get Thairys to publicly claim her as her daughter but she doesn't want to anger our parents, you know, they worked so hard for their reputation and something like that would have people looking at them in a bad light," Fahayra explained to Joe.

"Is that why you cheated instead of divorcing me? Because you don't want a bad light on your family," Joe said.

Fahayra sighed.

"My parents cheated on each other all the time, I grew up around half-siblings and not seeing real consequences for them stepping out of their marriage. I thought maybe if I just did it once you would be okay with it but I realized I didn't like it and the fear of losing you became too real for me to keep seeing Duke so that's why I wanted to end before you found out. I knew you would leave me and I didn't want that but Duke blackmailed me and I was stuck," Fahayra told him.

Joe shakes his head in disappointment.

"Do you not hear how fucked up you sound right now, Fahayra? You need help, like professional help. Your family has fucked you and your siblings up and you can't even see that the more you talk the more I'm questioning everything," Joe said.

"I thought you would want me to be open and-" Joe held his hand up to interrupt her and she couldn't help but make a face at him.

"You think sharing how fucked your family is to me is going to make me feel better about you cheating on me?" Joe questioned her.

Fahayra shakes her head no.

"No, but I hope it can make you understand me better in some way, at least," She replied.

Joe sighed.

"Okay," Joe said.

Joe raises an eyebrow at her.

"How did you know Kandi got her tubes tied?" Joe asked her.

"The same way she knew I had an abortion. I took her to the hospital to get it down during the girls' trip to Miami, and she took me to get an abortion during that girls' trip to Chicago," She answered.

"So, y'all just use these girls' trips to go get medical procedures done?" Joe asked Fahayra.

"No not every girls' trip has involved a medical procedure, just been four times, we've used the trips to get something done," She replied.

"Four times, aside from the abortion and tied tubes. What else has been done that we don't know about?" Joe asked as he was planning on telling his cousins what their wives do during these so-called girls' trips.

"There's been a tummy tuck, we fought a couple of people and had to bail someone out of jail," She revealed to Joe.

"A tummy tuck! Who went to jail? Fighting, what the fuck? No more girls' trips for you," Joe told Fahayra.

"I mean it's not like I'll be invited to any more trips anyways since Kandi has the girls pissed off at me like she didn't tell my business first," She said.

Fahayra was on the outs with her sisters as they felt she betrayed their trust by telling Joshua about Kandi tying her tubes. Fahayra wasn't bothered by her sisters since they were the least of her worries as she focused on saving her marriage.

"Yeah, but you didn't need to be petty and hurt Joshua in the process of getting payback," He said.

"I was only being half petty, I honestly wanted Joshua to know the truth. Do you know how sad it is to hear him always talking about babies? And how we're so lucky to have all these kids not knowing his wife is the reason why they can't have more kids because Kandi feels like she's too booked and busy to be pregnant so she went and got her tubes tied without telling him and lets him think she has fertility issues," She said.

Joe frows a little before crossing his arms and raising a brow.

"So why didn't you say anything sooner?" He asked her.

"Because Kandi kept saying she would tell him soon," She answered.

"Tell me this, Fahayra, if Kandi didn't tell Joshua about your abortion, would you still have told him about Kandi tying her tubes?" He asked.

Fahayra nods.

"Yes, I would have, I was planning on dropping hints to him anyway," She told Joe.

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