Chapter Eleven

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Elijah looked at the demon in front of him. The demon whose name was Sylas didn't look too good, he had road rash on his face from where he had landed and slid across the road when he flew on top of the car then fell off of it, his nose had dried blood under it and was cocked to the side telling Elijah it was broken.

Elijah slowly placed the glass of wine he was drinking on his desk. "So you're telling me, a human girl got away from you? How are you so fucking stupidthat a human girl gets away from a demon?!" Elijah shouted, he could feel his body quaking in anger as Sylas stayed silent.

Elijah picked up his wine glass and threw it at Sylas watching as Sylas ducked down at the last minute making the wine glass shatter as it hit the wall, watching as the wine slowly oozed down the wall and dripped onto the floor. Elijah stood up as his eyes flashed red, before Sylas could even blink Elijah had grabbed him by his neck and slammed him up against the wall, picking him up off the ground as his feet dangled in the air.

"I'll ask you again, how are you so stupid that a human girl gets away from you?! You're a demon, You are one of my fastest demons in hell." He hissed in a dangerously low and quiet tone.
Sylas gasped for air as Elijah tightened his hand around his neck. "Speak now and I'll make your death quick." Elijah said calmly, he loosened his grip from around his neck and lowered him back down to the ground, allowing Sylas to take some ragged breaths.

"S-sir sh-she ran o-o-over me with h-her c-c-car and t-the w-w-witch k-killed Tod.'' Sylas said, stuttering over his words, forcing Elijah to roll his eyes.

"Excuses, excuses." Elijah mumbled, he felt his hand grow hot before he slammed his hand into Sylas's chest breaking his ribs, hearing sylas let out a shout of pain as they broke. Elijah felt his hand grab onto sylas's heart. Elijah looked up into Sylas's eyes and watched as fear came into his eyes as Sylas gasped for air as Elijah squeezed his heart feeling blood squish through his fingers as he did.

"I guess if you want something done right, you should do it yourself." Elijah said before jerking his hand back, ripping out Sylas's heart. He closed his eyes as blood splatters on his face as well as his linen white button up and onto the ground before opening his eyes again, dropping Sylas's no longer beating heart on the floor, hearing the blood splatter as the heart hit it watching as Sylas’s cold lifeless body fell back onto the wall before sliding down and hitting the floor with a soft thud.

Elijah reached over grabbing a few tissues from his desk and wiped the blood from his face and cleaned his shirt the best he could by dabbing the blood off it. “This is why I don't wear white anymore.” He mumbled to himself as he looked down at Sylas's dead body, letting out a tsking sound.

"Should have done what I asked, shouldn't you?" He questioned out loud. He walked out of his office, he was halfway down the stairs when he heard Michael’s voice.

"Father said you lost Alyssa. I'm not stupid though. She boohooed and your soft heart couldn’t take it, could it?" Michael said in a teasing manner. Elijah looked up to see Michael standing at the bottom of the staircase.

"Well hello brother. I am not getting soft and for your information we were playing a game of cat and mouse and the mouse was smarter than i thought. Now why are you here?" Elijah questioned.

A slow smile creeped into Michael’s face. "Well dear ol brother of mine, I'm here to remind you what will happen if you don't get her back. To be honest I really think I could control her better. So why don't you give her to me once you find her?" Michael said smugly.

Elijah growled rushing down the staircase slamming Michael into the wall.

"I am not soft, the devil doesn't get soft. I don't give a shit about how she feels! She was part of a business deal and you will never get your hands on her!" Elijah shouted as his eyes once again flashed red.

Michael chuckled sarcastically before pushing Elijah away.  “My oh my. For someone claiming to not care about the human, you are acting like you do, you should never mix pleasure with business big brother." Michael said smugly, starting to walk away.

He placed his hand on the door handle before pausing, he turned to Elijah before speaking. "When you find Alyssa, tell her I will gladly put her on her knees and teach her some manners." Michael said before letting out a sarcastic chuckle opening the door walking out letting the door slam behind him.

Elijah growled letting his fist fly into the wall with a shout of anger, he pulled his hand out watching as a dim light shined from his bloody knuckles, he watched as the skin slowly began to heal back

"Okay little mouse, round two." He whispered.

Elijah walked outside and stood on the porch before placing his index finger and thumb into his mouth letting out a loud whistle. He felt as the mansion started to shake as did the trees and ground, soon enough the trees and ground stopped shaking as a seven foot tall hellhound came walking from the forest. Elijah pointed to the ground telling the hellhound to sit without a word. He watched as the seven foot hellhound did as told. He spun on his heel and walked inside before walking up the staircase, he walked into the bedroom Alyssa had been staying in. He looked around for the perfect thing for the hellhound to get a sniff of Alyssa's scent, anyone who lived in the underworld knew there were no better tackers than the hellhounds.

Elijah looked at the pillow on the bed before grabbing it and took off the pillowcase. He walked out of the room and back downstairs. He opened the door, before he could even step forward he heard Josie's voice

"Lucifer, where is Miss.Alyssa? Why do you have her pillowcase in your hand? She didn't come down for her morning tea and I hadn't heard anything in her room all morning." Elijah turned to face Josie

"As the help there’s no point in telling you, but if you must know she escaped, well more so I stupidly let her escape. You see we were playing a game of cat and mouse and she was much smarter than I thought she was and she also had help from a witch, now I need to bring her back and when I do, I can promise you she's in a world of trouble." Said Elijah.

He walked downstairs, not paying attention to the concering look on her face. He walked down the steps and stood in front of the hellhound. "Okay big boy. I need you to find someone." He says, knowing the hellhound understood him.

The hellhound bent down and sniffed the pillowcase.

Elijah watched as the hellhound lifted its head and barked before running off signaling he caught a scent trail. Elijah threw the pillowcase down running after the hellhounds, after running for hours the hellhound stopped and growled before barking.

Elijah let out a growl of anger as he saw the gates of hell, he also saw two demons standing guard at the entrance of hell.

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