chapter 14

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The devil froze in his tracks as he stepped out of the portal as he realized the guards were pointing their long spares at him.

“Halt human! No human shall pass from this point on unless they are dead.” One of the guards said. “How did you manage to come here?” the guard demanded.

Elijah growled in anger, he could feel his eyes flash red for a moment before they went to their normal blue, it happened so fast the guards weren't sure it even happened. “You, knuckle-dragging inbred swamp twat. You don't recognize your own boss?” He snapped before going into a coughing fit.

The guard raised an eyebrow. “You really think I'm dumb enough to believe you're the devil? You look nothing like him, if you want to get in here so badly. Prove you’re the devil.” the guard said smugly and crossed his arms over his chest.

The devil growled in anger as his eyes flashed red again. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? I’M NOT THE TWO DUMBASSES THAT LET A HUMAN OUT OF THE GATES.” Elijah shouted. He took a deep breath and sighed. “You know what, I was gonna let you only have one more month on gate duty just because you let the human out, but since you are also questioning me I'm gonna add on another month.” The devil snapped.

The guards raised an eyebrow looking smugly. “Who the hell are you to tell us what to do? You don't have that kind of power over us, also how do you know about the human escaping? No one should know about that besides the devil himself, his family and us.” The guard said.

The devil growled as his eyes flashed red once more. “I don't have that kind of power?! You know what, I was gonna give only one more month on gate duty but due to you questioning me both of you are getting another two months making that three months on gate duty. If you must know when you knuckle-dragging inbred swamp twats let her go, I had to go to earth and try to find her then this happened to me!” Elijah shouted.

The guard's eyes went wide in shock as his face paled in fear as he realized the person in front of him was actually the devil. “Were s-sorry sir W-we were J-just following th-the r-.'' The guards were cut off from their stuttering.

“Oh don't tell me you were just following the rules when you were the one’s who let the human escape. Now shut the fuck up and let me through.” He snapped as he pushed the guards aside and pushed the gates open himself. The moment the devil walked into hell he could feel his vision start to get blurry then his head started to pound as he got dizzy and lightheaded, he felt his body start to fall backwards as he started to faint.

Elijah groaned softly as he blinked open his eyes. He looked up at the familiar ceiling of his parents house, he let out another groan as his father and mother, Maxwell and Ruth, walked into the room.

“Well hello son. Nice to see you're awake.” Maxwell said sarcastically.

Elijah groaned, sitting up, looking at his father as he realized his body was slowly turning back young again. “How did I get here? Last i remember the dumb fucks at the gate tried to stop me from entering hell.” Elijah said.

Maxwell took a seat beside his son as his mother sat next to his father, being quiet.

“Them ‘dumb fucks’ as you call them, keep hell safe and if it wasn’t for them ‘dumb fucks’ i would have never known you were at the gates passed out.” Maxwell snapped before letting out a deep sigh.

“Enough about that. Why is it when I found you, you were old and looked like you were dying? Supernatural beings don’t grow old and die. The only way someone can kill us is by ripping out our hearts, you know this.” Maxwell said calmly. “Now tell me what really happened.” Maxwell demanded.

Elijah nodded, groaning as it made his head pound. “I know this father. If you must know, when I went to earth to get Alyssa, something went wrong. She had a witch helping her and the witch blasted me with a fireball and knocked me out, then when I went to a dark fae to try to find them, she sealed my powers. Where’s Micheal? I need to speak to him.” Elijah said.

“We sent Micheal up to earth to get the human, since it seems you can't get her, now why in the world would you go see a dark fae? The dark fae probably didn’t know nothing.” Ruth said.

Elijah gave her a blank stare.

“Really, mother? Cause they sure seem to know enough to make weapons that could kill us.” Elijah said sarcastically and took out what was left of the bullet from his shirt pocket, slamming it on the table in front of them. “The dark fae who I went to see made this, it was embedded with dark magic. Not only did she make this, she's giving them out to humans.” Elijah snapped, his eyes going angry red as he thought about it.

Ruth looked at her son in shock. “Giving them out to humans?” She repeated in shock.

“Jeez mother, are you getting so old you can't hear? That's what I said, isn't it?” He said sarcastically.

Maxwell and Ruth gasped at Elijah.

Maxwell stood up. “That is no way to speak to your mother, You will apologize to your mother this instant!” He snarled. 

“I will not say I'm sorry. You and her got me in this mess, I am perfectly happy ruling hell by myself but nooo i must have a queen to rule by my side. Now if you will excuse me I must go find Alyysa before Micheal does, who by the way i believe has a hand in this whole thing.” Elijah said growling before snapping his fingers for a portal back to earth.

Meanwhile back on earth, Alyssa and Adalynn were a few hours away from the witches' town driving down the road. At this point they weren't sure what to do, it seemed no matter where they went Elijah was always right behind them. Alyssa looks in the rearview getting an unsettling feeling. She could see a black sports car speeding up and swerving. if she had to guess, she would guess it was some teenager driving a car that daddy’s money got them. She decided to pay it no attention as she switched both eyes back on the road in front of her. Alyssa’s body jerked forward as the car slammed into the back of their car.

“What the hell?” Alyssa screamed as the car jerked from the impact.

“What the hell was that?” Adalynn demanded to know.

“Just a dumbass that doesn't know how to drive.” Alyssa replied sarcastically.

Alyssa looked over to see the car right beside them. She tried to see was driving but the windows were tinted so black it just looked like the car was driving itself, she was so focused on the car that she didn’t see Adalynn raising her hand letting a fireball fly from it, Alyssa let out a gasp as the fireball hit the car in its side making the car begin to spin out of control before finally hitting a tree.

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