Chapter 6

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After our discussion about the enigmatic prophecy and the looming darkness, I found myself with a whirlwind of questions that remained unanswered. However, Alexander had abruptly left the house, his departure marked by his mention of "Alpha duties." I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration and abandonment as I watched him go.

Left to my own devices, I decided to explore the strange house we were in. It was vast, with corridors that seemed to stretch endlessly, and rooms filled with dust-covered furniture. An idea struck me—I might as well clean the house while I was here. It would give me something to do and perhaps make this unfamiliar place feel a bit more like home.

I started with the living room, removing the dusty covers from the furniture and setting them aside. With determination, I grabbed a broom and began sweeping away the layers of dust that had accumulated on the wooden floors. The sun streamed in through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room as I worked.

As I cleaned, I couldn't help but think about the whirlwind of events that had brought me here. The dreams of the meadow, the encounter with the wolf, and now the revelation that Alexander was a werewolf—all of it felt like a surreal and impossible journey. But I was determined to adapt and make the best of this new reality.

Hours passed as I tackled the sitting room, dusting, sweeping, and organizing. It was hard work, but it gave me a sense of purpose, something to focus on other than the overwhelming questions about the prophecy and the darkness.

By the time I finished cleaning the sitting room, the sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the rooms. I stepped back, surveying my handiwork. The room no longer looked like a forgotten relic; it felt alive, as if it had woken from a long slumber.

With a sense of accomplishment, I made my way upstairs to the master bedroom.
It was there that I noticed something odd – a collection of old books, stacked haphazardly on a dusty shelf. Curiosity piqued, I reached for one and blew off a layer of dust.

The book's cover was worn and its pages yellowed with age. The title was embossed in faded gold letters: "Prophecies and Legends of the Shrouded Realms." It seemed like a promising source of information about the prophecy and the darkness.

Settling into an old armchair, I opened the book and began to read, hoping to find some clarity in the ancient words of prophecy and legends that might shed light on the path Alexander and I were destined to walk.

As I delved into the pages of "Prophecies and Legends of the Shrouded Realms," my eyes scanned the ancient text, seeking answers to the mysteries that surrounded me. The book was filled with cryptic tales and prophecies, but one passage, in particular, caught my attention. It was the prophecy that seemed to be at the center of it all.

"From distant realms and stars above,
Two souls entwined, destined to love.
Moonlit whispers, a force unseen,
Binding their fates, two halves of a whole.

A gentle heart, a strength concealed,
Shall find its match in the dominant field.
loyalty and power, a dance to embark,
United by fate, through light and dark.

Yet darkness lurks, a shadow unknown,
Threatening to sever what fate has sewn.
Through unity's grace and destiny's might,
They might just conquer the storm ahead.

As the moon bears witness, a vigilant eye.
Trials shall test, their bond under strain,
For a curse's grip tightens, causing pain.
Will they grapple with despair or emerge to the light?"

I read and reread the words, trying to decipher their meaning. It was clear that Alexander and I were the "chosen ones," bound by fate's decree to face the impending darkness together. But the vagueness of the prophecy left me with more questions than answers.

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