Chapter 11

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The late afternoon sun cast a warm, golden glow into the kitchen as I stood by the stove, attentively stirring a pot of tomato sauce. The rich scent of garlic, herbs, and simmering tomatoes filled the air, wrapping me in a comforting cocoon of familiarity. It was my way of saying thank you to Alexander, for his kindness and for opening his home to me in this strange, new world.

The front door swung open, announcing Alexander's return with the soft creaking of hinges. His footsteps grew closer, and I turned to greet him with a genuine smile. "You're just in time. Dinner's almost ready."

Alexander's eyes crinkled at the corners as he approached me, clearly appreciating the effort I'd put into our meal. "It smells incredible in here. You've been busy."

I returned my attention to the pot, stirring the sauce with care. "I thought I should contribute something, considering how kind you've been."

Alexander drew nearer, his presence radiating warmth. "You've already contributed more than you know, Isabella."

As the minutes ticked away, our conversation flowed effortlessly, like old friends catching up. Alexander shared tales of his dealings with the pack, while I recounted my interactions with various pack members and my mission to make this place feel more like home.

Soon, the table was set, and I served our meal—a hearty pasta dish topped with freshly grated parmesan. We settled in at the dining table, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. Despite the unusual circumstances that had brought us together, we were enjoying a simple, tranquil dinner, and it felt surprisingly right.

During our meal, we continued to chat, our words meandering through various topics. Alexander's stories about the pack often brought laughter, and it was a refreshing glimpse into this world that was slowly becoming my own.

After dinner, as we cleared the table together, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this unexpected connection. I was starting to understand that there was so much more to Alexander and his world than met the eye. In my own way, I was becoming a part of it.

As we finished clearing the table, I hesitated for a moment, my fingers lightly brushing a stray crumb from the tablecloth. A question had been gnawing at me, one that I felt compelled to ask. I turned to Alexander, my brow furrowing with curiosity.

"You know," I began cautiously, "I saw someone familiar today while talking to Sarah in the pack. A guy named Nathan. He was the one from the gallery that day we met. I didn't realize he was a werewolf. Why didn't you ever tell me?"

Alexander paused, his expression thoughtful. He placed the last of the dishes in the sink before turning to face me. His gaze was steady, and I could tell he was choosing his words carefully.

"There's a lot about our world, Isabella, and not all of it is easily explained," he started. "Nathan is my beta, and he has his own reasons for not revealing his nature to humans. It's a complex matter, and I didn't want to overwhelm you with too much information all at once."

I nodded, understanding that there was much I had yet to learn about this world I had been thrust into. "I appreciate your honesty," I replied sincerely. "But I hope you'll keep sharing these things with me. The more I know, the better I can navigate this new life."

Alexander's eyes softened, and he reached out to gently cup my cheek. "I promise, Isabella, I'll answer any questions you have. You're my mate, and it's my duty to guide and protect you."

His words sent a warm shiver down my spine, a reminder of the undeniable connection that bound us together. I leaned into his touch, comforted by the promise of his guidance in this unfamiliar realm.

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