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I felt myself rise as if I was sucked by an invisible force.

I noticed that the pain that was my normal experience since I was admitted to Lincolnton Hospital after my car crash was gone completely. What was going on?

I looked down from my vantage point. I gasped inaudibly at the sight before me.

My limp body was surrounded by two doctors and a nurse who seemed to be trying to resuscitate me.

The first doctor sighed and stopped administering CPR.

"She has already expired. Patient 14, Flora Ima. Time of death, 11:14 pm."

The nurse solemnly covered my body with a white cloth.

Oh no! Was I dead?

I wanted to reach out and let them know that I was right there, but my hand passed through them. They couldn't hear me either.

As if a veil was removed, I saw other entities in the ward with me. Malevolent, grotesque creatures, cackling in delight.

I halted, bone-chilling terror coursing through me.

I heard their blasphemous taunts. "Good riddance to bad rubbish! Let's see how she will keep hindering us with her prayers now that she is out of the picture."
Those imps had caused my life support to malfunction in the middle of the night.

The demons clinging to the medical practitioners' backs seemed not to see me.
Only the second doctor was free of any demonic parasite.

I watched the first doctor tapping his pad after he wrote something.

As I turned, I looked up and gazed into the radiant face of my guardian angel. The knowledge of who he was came automatically.

"It's not yet your time. Go back, beloved," the angelic being said in the softest tone.

Like my spirit was being remote-controlled, my spirit was sucked back into my body.

Gasping, I opened my eyes.


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