Chapter- 76 Proposal

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Naina's POV

"Let's take the last call"

"Hello," I said, and I know it will be Arnav.

"Hellooo," he replied.


"I know, Hero, you don't tell me your name, but you know you got fans from my show. I just talked with one of your fans," I chuckled and I heard his laugh.

"So, tell me, Hero, what are you gonna tell me today?" I asked playfully.

"I want to say something to my butterfly, can I?" he asked.

"Go on," I replied, and he took a slight pause before speaking.

"Butterfly," he called slowly and goosebumps erupted on my whole body, hearing his deep and soothing voice.

He is up to something for sure. If not, he doesn't call me like this.

"I know you will be with me in every phase of my life and I promise I will be with you till my last breath," he took a pause.

Is he going to propose?

"You are there for me every time I need you... I find you beside me every time I feel I have no one. And I think it's time for me to be there for you. So, butterfly, give me a chance to take care of you."

"Let me be your Doraemon," he breathed out.

"Arnav," I muttered.

"Please, come out, if you agree. I am waiting for you," he said, and the line went off.

"I am coming," I said and stood up.

"Guys, I am that butterfly, so I have to go now. Bye, take care and we will meet tomorrow at the same time," I remarked excitedly and played a song. Then I removed my headphones and ran out.

There stood two little girls holding each one a rose in a white dress at the entrance of the radio station.

There were so many lights decorated from outside the main building to the main gate.

I took flowers from the girls, and they ran away.

Where is Arnav? I can't see him anywhere.

"No, he is not here," I heard and turned around to see Avi and Payal. They both also dressed in white, holding a rose each.

"Where is he then?" I asked him.

They both forwarded flowers to me before speaking. I took them and Payal smiled.

"Come, I will take you to him," he forwarded his hand, and I held it with a smile.

He took me to the car and opened the backdoor for me.

"Grace your presence, princess," he said, bowing a little, and I giggled as I climbed the car.

Avi started the car while Payal sat in the passenger's seat.

I am feeling so nervous and these two are not talking, which is increasing my nervousness more.

After 20 minutes, the car halted at the beach and Ajay opened the car door for me and forwarded his hand, bowing a little.

They are giving me the princess treatment.

I took it and stepped down from the car. There I saw Ajay and Pooja also dressed in white, holding roses in their hands.

Pooja gave me a light hug, and I took flowers from them too.

"You can go in," Ajay said, but I don't know where Arnav is.

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