Chapter 6

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"So, you wanna come with us to bust an evil headquarters?" Steve asks awkwardly. Okay, so he's the Superman. Awkward, and sweet, and innocent. Like a child.

Anyway, it's been four days since I contacted Dami.

"Sure. I'd love to see you in the field," I reply.

"I'd love to see you in the field," Tony tells me.

"Trust me, it's not anything special."

"I can feel the power radiating from you, Raven. You shouldn't think so little of yourself," Wanda says.

"Umm... I don't know how to respond to that."

"You don't get out much, do you?" Tony asks with a raised eyebrow. I look him in the eye.

"I live in a giant T shaped tower, with a green dude that can transform into animals, a dude that has alien technology fused to his spine, an alien princess and her boyfriend, and Robin. All of whom are teenagers. Well, not the alien princess or her boyfriend, but, you know. My sanity is on the edge of breaking. I don't think I could handle more teenagers than the ones I already know," I snap.

"Jeez. You might need therapy."

"So I've been told."

"We have a great therapist here, if you want-" Steve starts.

"No. We should just go," I say.

"Why the sudden change in subject?" Tony asks suspiciously.

"None of your damn business, Stark. A woman's business is a woman's business," Natasha-the former assassin- tells him.

"I'm just saying-"

"No one asked, Stark," Natasha groans. I hide my smirk. I like her. Can she adopt me?  Nah, I come with too many problems.


Three days. Three days until I see Raven in real life.

"Dami, you okay?" Dick asks. I glare.

"Don't call me that, Grayson. And I'm perfectly fine," I say.

"You sure? You've seemed a bit distracted since Raven got lost."

"She didn't get lost," I snap. She was taken.


"I-I don't know. I can't see it!" Raven yells through the comms. Where is she? Where is she? I spin around in circles, looking everywhere. Then I see her. She's slammed into a rock, blood streaming from her nose. I see her shield, and I see it get broken like it was made of glass.

"Raven!" I scream, more scared than ever before. I grab a batarang and throw it at where I think the invisible thing will be. I hear a hiss and suddenly I'm thrown back through the sky. Raven's eyes widen and she catches me telekinetically, putting me on the ground right before I would've hit a rock. Which gives whatever's attacking her an opening. She's surrounded by red magic, and disappears.

*End of flashback*

"I know, Damian. You said it yourself. She's good," Dick assures me.

"That was four days ago! She could be dead now!"

"It's cute you care about your girlfriend," Dick teases.

"She's not my girlfriend! She's a teammate."

"Sure. But you have to admit, she is your closest friend," Dick says. I roll my eyes.

"We have the most...similar background. It makes us more understanding."

"And if either of you got hurt, you would 100% kill whoever did it?" Dick asks. I glare. I'd do it for him too. (Not that I'd admit it) Well, only if he was really badly hurt. But Raven, yes. I suppose I would kill anyone who hurt her more than a normal amount.

"Of course not."

"You really suck at lying," he tells me.

"I know for a fact I'm not."

"Then how'd I know you were lying?"

"I don't know. Raven always does."

"Because she's your best friend."

"She isn't. Jon is," I lie.

"I know for a fact that you haven't talked to him in a year. Besides, I think Raven's a better friend for you than Jon ever was. Jon's too happy. Too different. Raven, you both have psycho parents who want you to kill a bunch of people," Dick says.

"My mother wanted me to cleanse the world-"

"I didn't mean to insult you or your mother, Damian. I'm just saying you both have difficult parents. Talia and Bruce don't get along, and Trigon killed Raven's mother, so..."

"I get it, Grayson."

"Sorry. I'll leave you to your own devices."

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